Must-Have Education Technologies for Remote Learning in 2020/2021
July 10th, 2020 | by Bibhuranjan
Schools and universities are preparing two educational strategies for the fall of 2020. If the lockdown is prolonged, academic institutions,
July 10th, 2020 | by Bibhuranjan
Schools and universities are preparing two educational strategies for the fall of 2020. If the lockdown is prolonged, academic institutions,
December 2nd, 2019 | by Guest
So, why kids shouldn’t have laptops in the classroom? Does the question scratch your logical mind? We believe, it is.
October 3rd, 2019 | by Bibhuranjan
Furniture has always proven to be important in setting up a place. The type of furniture which you have can
June 22nd, 2019 | by Bibhuranjan
Technology is a powerful disruptive force. There is rarely any area of daily life that hasn’t been impacted by it.
May 18th, 2019 | by Sunit Nandi
Colleges and universities these days find themselves offering more and more courses like online paralegal programs to meet the increasing demand
February 27th, 2018 | by Michael Warne
Technology has had several positive impacts on education. It has made the whole learning process more engaging and effective. Also,
July 14th, 2017 | by Guest
It has been discussed several times that technology has turned the scope of learning to a major change and students
December 21st, 2016 | by Guest
E-learning is a form of training or teaching that takes place over the internet or intranet. It is adapted from
September 16th, 2016 | by Guest
We all know that this time world technology in education has made great advancement with the help of internet, computer
August 29th, 2016 | by Guest
As teacher, your perspective changes, and you can sometimes forget how stressful and difficult school can be. If you try
October 3rd, 2015 | by Guest
The meaning of classroom teaching has been greatly influenced by technology in the past few years. What previously was taught
September 24th, 2015 | by Ella Xiong
Today, most women who enroll in computer science and engineering courses in college will tell you they are outnumbered; and