What to Do If You Are in a Flood and in Need of Help
It is needless to say what a nightmare it would be if you were to be stuck in a car when your city has been flooded. It is at this time that we begin to feel extremely helpless because we have no idea how to tackle such a situation. Since there are a lot of possible solutions that you could resort to, let’s have a look into them:
1. Free yourself
As much as people say that you must secure yourself using a seat belt, at all times, when you are in a car – it would be wise if you do not do so. The seat belt is not going to be of any use if your cars begin to float because if the latter happens and you are still in a seat belt then you are signing up for trouble. Moreover, it would be the best for you to keep your cars open. Things would get even more better if there are security forces around you – they will help you evacuated easily.
2. Be visible
This is a corollary to the point we have mentioned above; however, a little different. This point does not mean that you will have to get out of your car and wave so that you could give a signal to the people that you are in trouble. Rather, you will have to turn the hazard lights of your car on so that you can become easily noticeable. Well, this is going to help you.
3. Leave the belongings
The belongings aren’t as important as you are, right? And if the water levels rise beyond expectation, then it would become extremely hard for you to swim if you are carrying too much stuff with you. Also, if the water is enough for you to walk on it – then make sure that you carry your phone along with you because that way you could easily make any necessary phone calls.
4. Layers of clothing
If you are wearing something other than the regular top and jeans, then lose it. Lose it and run as fast as you can! Because if you are wearing any of those things then it will slow you down and you won’t be able to swim through the rough time that you are having.
5. Bye bye car
Just because the water isn’t too much, doesn’t mean that you can tow the car to a safe point wherein it would be away from any sort of problems, right? Just let it be – whatever happens, you must stay safe.
If you were in a flood and it has caused damage to your car and you think it’s about time you get rid of it – then you can go to cashyourcar and get your car changed for cash in no time.If you want to sell car in dubai then you should get in touch with them.