Decor Items That Boost Focus in the Office
Many workplaces feature offices that are dull at best, with generic cubicles and unadorned walls that contribute more to a day’s mundanity than take away from it. As such, it’s easy for employees in these types of workplaces to lose focus, knowing that glancing up from their work will just result in a sight that’s neither stimulating nor inspiring.
An office with inspiring decor can actually boost focus in a variety of ways, from lighting that inspires productivity to nature-minded injections like potted plants, which can help alleviate that stuck in the office feeling. Below are some ideas where decor can be used to boost focus in the office:
Open Up Your Blinds
Lighting is a sore spot for many employees. In fact, the American Society of Interior Design found that 68 percent of employees complain about the lighting situation in their offices. Since many offices go with the cheapest route possible in regard to lights, it’s no surprise. Dim artificial lighting may be the cheapest, but it can cause eyestrain and headaches since one’s eyes must work harder to see. Dim lighting can also result in drowsiness, so our brains naturally associate dimly lit settings with sleep. When fatigued, this can be a big problem.
Natural lighting is the best to use for productivity, so if possible you should open your blinds from and rearrange your desk to get in natural sunlight. However, in many cases an open spot touched by natural lighting isn’t always possible, so some decor items can certainly help. Putting in natural light bulbs near your workspace is one idea – your employer is unlikely to have an issue with it if you purchase the bulbs yourself. Light therapy devices are also an option.
Decrease Outside Noise
It goes without saying that interruptions are a large cause of interrupted focus throughout the day. Whether it’s construction or the phone ringing off the hook, there are certain steps you can take to decrease the noise that comes into your office space.
Some low-cost options include adding curtains and moving furniture to slightly reduce the ability of sound waves to come through you walls. If you want a real decrease in sound transfer, consider adding insulation to your walls. The amount of insulation and increased R-values can benefit you in two-fold by reducing your utilities and allowing less outside noise to pass through.
Adjustable Chairs, Foot Rests and More for Desk Comfort
Many people spend hours upon hours hunched over their desk, with poor posture leading to back issues down the line. Plus, an uncomfortable workspace can lead to manual adjustments throughout the day for optimal comfort. This takes time away from work.
Several ergonomic recommendations include having your eyes 24-36 inches away from your computer monitor, in order to reduce strain. Your feet should be resting on the floor or on a foot rest. Chairs should be slightly reclined to reduce spinal pressure and lower back pain potential. Adjustable chairs are an option, while home offices can use pillows to make a chair more comfortable or a desk more raised.
Infuse Appropriate Scents
Certain smells have been shown to awaken and alert the mind, which makes candles or other scented deco ideal. Keep the scents subtle and isolated to your desk, as others may not appreciate your sense of smell. When doing so, consider scents such as pine and cinnamon – which can increase alertness and focus – in addition to citrus and peppermint, which can have awakening and mood-lifting effects. If at home, incense or essential oils are a great choice.
Nature-Friendly Decor
If your workspace prevents you from getting natural light or placing scented candles near your workspace, adding a potted plant to your desk is a great way to improve productivity. A plant on one’s desk increases cognitive attention and productivity, in addition to serving as a filter that removes bacteria and mold from the air. Plus, potted plants look good, so no one has the potential to complain, unlike for natural light or scents.
Natural lighting, workspace comfort, energy-boosting scents and nature-friendly decor are a few pieces that can help boost focus in the office, both for you and your co-workers. Consider implementing them if you find your workplace productivity to be faltering.
Contemporary Art to spike creativity
Paintings directly and indirectly influence the workplace atmosphere. We highly recommend choosing paintings which reduce stress and create an uplifting and inspiring environment.
Contemporary painting is known to be flexible and adaptable for modern-day settings. It is neither too flashy nor distracting enough to take away attention from the person working in the office. Thus, this motivating and relaxing artwork will surely enhance your creativity and will suit the theme of your corporate as well.
If you are looking to buy contemporary painting, find your favorite canvas painting from the collection of best Paintings available in Online store.
About the author:
Megan Wild writes about ways to improve productivity and focus through smart home design. You can see more of her ideas on her blog, Your Wild Home. You can follow her on Twitter @megan_wild.
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