Evolution of Santa Claus [Infographic]
This Christmas we, at Land of Deals, thought of letting you know about Christmas Special – Evolution Of Santa Claus. And, we really hope that you would love exploring the same!! We took every stride to confirm that not even a single fact in the whole episode of ‘How did Santa come into existence?’ gets missed. If you just go through the accompanying info-graphic then it would absolutely enlighten you regarding everything starting from the origin of Santa Claus, the significance of the red attire that Santa wears to the concept of modern Santa and so on!!
So, what are you waiting for? Just take a glance over the info-graphic and get amused. And, yes, of course, Hope Santa makes your life yet happier this year!!
Source: https://www.dealslands.co.uk/land-of-deals/christmas-special-evolution-of-santa-claus/