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Published on April 25th, 2019 | by Sunit Nandi


Tech Aiding Up To Be an Asset in a Learning Perspective

In the current time technology has advanced to such great extends where it has aided up to be a key asset as well as it has become a much more effective medium to acquire knowledge. With the day to day advancements in technologies taking up to make life simpler for humans. One of the main criteria is to gain knowledge because without academic acceleration it’s hard to survive in the current era. Since technology is being used with the perspective to assist in day to day operations. It has invaded in many fields. Likewise, it has also ended up to be an asset in the parameters of learning.

To this extent, advancements have been taken up that through some manner or the other it helps and benefit students to learn for instance through Language Apps, Module or Course Learning Apps, Grammar Correction Software, etc. Even the use of smartphones are rapidly used nowadays in classroom learning projects where students are taught how to utilize the technology in order to grasp knowledge that also in an innovative manner. Many summer schools now not only utilize the modern tech to collect payments or to market their service but also use the tech aids to educate the campers on its modernization and have a complete session related to new technologies as a subject which is very intriguing for them.

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Everyone is aware of how rapidly technology is growing at a remarkable pace. To make students grasp better and progress through it. It is also being used in the teaching-learning process to make the lessons more impactful and interesting for them. By significantly highlighting the positives of the technologies and avoiding the negatives in an overcoming prospective. For educators, it is mandatory to utilize the gadget in a way for teaching where it is established that the students are fully aware of how to strategies and use it to the optimum potential. The role of machine learning is in coped with more benefits and knowledgeable credentials for student’s progress that aims towards their strengthening skills and abilities. The biggest asset tech is aiding up to be is in classroom management, in terms to a learning perspective.

The impact created by the use of technology in the classroom for learning

Firstly technology use in the classroom is a new trend being adopted due to which its implications are very influential as well as impactful for the students. Since they tend to grasp at a higher level just due to the interest. Electronic devices used in replacement to paper is a modern manner which has its presence currently on a pervasiveness uprising. The impact is impeccable in the classroom due to the group-learning formats, due to the features and convenience it is an emerging development.

Key Productivity

  • It is crucial that every individual or then the small group is well acquainted in terms of the technology. So that in a timely manner task is conducted with the correct use.
  • A much simpler manner to conduct and administer progressive disclosures that are encountered.
  • Makes it easier to project scribe work on-screen display.
  • Technology has great influence when spoken of shared experiences.
  • Assist to a much easier and faster mode to correspond and communicate (Emailing one another in the group or then to the experts for guidance).
  • Much instant manner to achieve and submit assignments.
  • Efficient due to the capability to store/save and also the ability to show the projection of the notes, diagrams, and etc.
  • The added advantage and feature to look up for meanings or utilize the use of search engine for varies purposes through instant tools and also the ability to save the scribe work according to preference as Doc or PDF file.
  • An innovative way to grasp the student’s attention since it is a paperless learning/educating technique.

Challenges Faced

  • The tendency to rally on technology rather than learning rises as a disadvantage.
  • Misusage of technology is greatly encountered when diverted and not managed wisely.
  • Due to the facility of tech many prefer assignments and study research conducted individually rather than a group. So it creates divided attention.
  • Technology gives access to knowledge which can create a greater influence on copyright info such as shared files, organization files, etc. and
  • Requires time management to carry out research due to a large amount of data provided.
  • Back end research is also essential to establish the validity and reliability of the info gained.

Conclusion: How to overcome the misuse and optimize productivity

The proactive use of technology in the classroom assists to capitalize on the emerging new tools of trade adapting to avoid its misuse and rather optimize the level of productivity drastically. Even though with the growth and experience has consistently shown a more cohesive outcome so discussions are supreme to be encouraged to overcome it. Grant quick lookups by timing the research to avoid unnecessary time wastage. Also controlling the scribe sessions allows individual inputs to a tremendous amount. The best way to overcome the misuse and rather gain optimum product is by staying in tacked with every new feature premiering and taking account of its misuses to overcome them.

Reduce multiple gadgets to a single user for the entire group to participate by encourage each and every person’s separate input encountered and gathered during the process. Over the past 20 years, the collaboration of technology with education has been seen but the impact over the past five years due to the advancements of wireless gadgets has remarkably grown. The students have to understand the leverage and aspects of utilizing technology with its demeanor to achieve their goals. The key productivities mentioned above are excellently highlighting challenges faced while using technologies in a classroom. Maintaining discipline as well as providing the skills for students to enrich through knowledge is the prime interest. It will help them excel and understand the importance that tech plays in the current time as an asset to advance learning perspectives.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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