Driving Your Social Media Traffic to Your Website – Why Is It Important and How to Do It?
Anyone who is looking to derive revenue from ad monetization should not lose the opportunity to utilize the traffic on their website. Anything ranging from your profiles in various social media, social media fan page, even the groups and any community forum can become future sources of traffic. Social media is a booming market place in current times, and the competition is too fierce. Everyone works hard to create the best content to get traffic to their social media profiles and pages and it is disappointing when that does not work as planned. Many times good content just gets lost in the crowd.
Even though the content is and will always be the top priority to gain followers and potential customers, if it doesn’t reach the audience then it is just useless. One of the best ways to change this scenario is to utilize your social media profiles and pages. The main reason for this is that in present times social media is one of the websites on the internet that people visit most often. So if you are not yet taking advantage of these millions of people visiting these sites every day, then you are just making yourself lose out on potentially valuable customers who could make your website traffic grow by leaps and bounds.
Advantages of Social media and its rise to power
Now there was a time when the only reliable source for gathering information was a verified website. But thanks to search engines now you can practically find information from every corner of the internet by typing just one keyword. As a result of this, a lot more websites kept coming into the picture. Gradually people started realizing their value. Small companies which practically once upon a time were unknown in the world of internet, slowly began to obtain immense popularity and with it gained unlimited power.
Why is social media getting popular with the passing time?
Few examples are Google and Yahoo. With these companies gaining control, the search engines started strategizing their policies too, which resulted in putting control over application usage. However, even that did not sustain and with the rise of Social media the game was stepped up. Even though search engines still are holding their grounds, social media is slowly gaining popularity among the masses. Social media sites may not be able to compete with Search engines in terms of popularity, but the new age services these sites are offering can probably never be available on any search engines.
One of the important factors is that social media users prefer reading on social media and they enter the virtual world of social media to discover everything that is going around the world that is even remotely catching their fancy. Any subject you can think of is available on various social media sites and away from just one click. It is a well-known fact that people nowadays access social media more than they do search engines. The simple reason is that social media represents information in a much more engaging and exciting way.
Social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram cater to people’s curiosity and thus makes them stay longer there, not because they are specifically looking for something but the thought that they might find something they were not sure they were looking for but might find it interesting is what intrigues them.On the other hand, search engines are there because they direct you to something specific that you were looking for in the first place and as a result, you will stay less time exploring there. If somebody finds you on the search engine, they might still visit you but there is less chance of them sticking around and exploring while social media traffic guarantees you that because that is what the fundamental principle of social media is.
Various advantages and how they differ from search engine traffic
Another benefit of social media traffic is that it is highly concentrated. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram usually target the audience very accurately. In fact, Facebook goes to the extent of case studying and identifies that users only click through what interests them. These are few of the reasons that social media delivers a much higher concentrated traffic than search engines, which means that it will only attract the kind of users who are interested in the kind of posts that you share. The search engine does not work like that, in fact quite the opposite. Search engines only work based on keywords and there aren’t any set guidelines to what the viewers might or might not prefer and it is sort of a gamble.
Social media unquestionably provides more steady traffic. Once you can build a relationship with your viewers, there is no stopping from there. As long as you maintain the kind of quality you can deliver and don’t deviate from that, you will be ready. Search engines do not guarantee you such things, and it will not matter how well your relation with the viewers are, some keyword could go wrong and you might lose your position in the SERPs.
Connect with people personally
Sites like Instagram, twitter or Facebook tend to focus on the user more. People will connect to you personally through your profiles and pages and groups. It gives them a feeling as they know you and they will automatically be connected more to you. Photo sharing apps/ Websites like Instagram is a great way to increase traffic to your blogs as all it takes is a good picture that is relevant to your blog to draw attention. Sometimes a good caption helps but nothing beats a good picture that is content on Instagram.
After you have gained enough loyal Instagram followers, you can guide them or insist them to visit your blogs or products or to whatever you want your traffic move. If they are your ardent followers, they will visit that without question. Building an active Instagram fan base is also quite easy. The key is to post more often than Facebook but not as often on Twitter. You need to keep the contents relevant so that when somebody who is not your follower visits your page through tags or some other means, they will relate to your content more based on your timeline at first glance. So try to post on similar topics that are valued by you and your potential followers.
Always choose relevant social media sites to your website. You can try all the social media sites there is, but the truth is your content will not be appreciated on each of them. Some of them will give you good traffic and feedback more than others. So it is better just to focus on your target audience and choose to be active on the relevant social media site accordingly. This way you will gain a more reliable audience base.
Tips for success
Always make sure to make your social media profile engaging as this will directly reflect on your business on that particular social media website. Never put up an incomplete profile. Always make sure you have a professional looking profile picture and an impressive bio to gain audience curiosity. Moreover, always remember to participate in interaction with your audience. Comment and like to their comments and encourage them in giving you feedbacks. This way you can build a reliable community that will sustain for a long time. As you will find out which social media site works best for you, it will become easier for you to gain followers and then build a relationship with them so that they will go to your website out of their curiosity or on occasions when you insist them.
Author bio:
Harris is a leading blog writer and content marketing professional with thousands of real Instagram followers for his postings.