5 Suggestions to Achieve Optimal User Experience: Wearable Devices
In the journey of our world becoming more digital, wearable devices are playing the role of an important milestone. At present, the most prominent products in the category are smartwatches, smartglasses, safety lockets, and varied activity trackers. Though for each device, the requirement diversifies, the aim of all these apparatuses is same, i.e., to let their customers take full advantage of technological development with perfect ease. The idea of wearable devices first came into existence after the concept of ubiquitous computing (Laptops, tablets). But since its introduction, the evolution of wearable computers has become a craze.
The inventions like GPS embedded shoes, security bracelets (rings and lockets too), smartwatches, eye-wears are overflowing the startup market. Though the trend has made it easy for the startup companies to attract customers, the same Vogue isn’t going to help in future when the competition level would be too high. The best way to attain sustainable growth is by increasing the most important factor of wearable devices, viz. UX.
As stated above, User eXperience is the key aspect of any wearable computing device, regardless of its application. In fact, it is in order to enhance the user experience, the idea of such accessories was contrived. If you too have a brilliant idea to develop such a new device or simply want your market-launched product to live a longer life, following are the tips written specifically for you.
- Potential needs of your customers: It would not be wrong to say that ‘the realm we are seeing today is far different than what it was a decade ago, and will further acquire a new face after a decade or so’. That’s a rhyme to remember if you want your business to have a durable life. The wearable computers do not seem to become outdated in near future, but just like any other invention, this Vogue will end too; or, at least, would become so much of a commonplace item that the trend marketing, which is fueling the growth of the market at present, will not be able to accomplish the objective anymore. In such a situation, the only means that can keep your product from dying in the market too soon is by updating the design of the product in such a way that it addresses the probable needs of the customers. Using this approach would mean that you’ll have to conduct a large-scale forecasting research, but then the results make such task worthy of the efforts it may require.
- Social responsibility: The greatest lesson, given on the subject, was taught by the critical reception of Google glasses. Though the product achieved great popularity, the stringent issue of privacy had kept this great invention from achieving the growth it was due to receive. If you don’t wish your innovation to go through the same line of fate, make sure you address all such society concerns in the very first phase of its introduction. It is going to require a proper collaboration from public as a whole, to be able to eradicate such issues entirely.
Another concern which may make your potential customers hesitate from availing such products is that of health (the issue is adequately addressed in a latter point). Moreover, the importance of self-privacy, too, is creating an uproar in regards of health-care wearable computers. The most common health-care devices like electronic armbands that compute heart rate, breathing, temperature, etc. are designed to be able to send the medical information (to overcome the cases of medical emergencies). But the facility may anytime change into a privacy threat for confidential medical conditions. Seeing the importance of the matter, World Economic Forum is drafting a proper list of guidelines to assist the developers in order to create responsible designs of health care devices. - The physical design: Wearables usually appear to be the devices straight out from Sci-Fi(s). In fact, it could be such designs that have made most of these products so popular. But not all of these devices are so readily perceptible. Especially, the security devices like bracelets and lockets, and GPS wearables like navigation shoes, are specifically designed to keep their technical aspects concealed. Whereas, devices like smartwatches are designed in such a way that no one who has seen the product on your hand can mistake it for a typical watch. Again the reason could be the trend, but mostly it is because having them designed in an obscure way would mean that the screens would be too small to let the consumer from having a good user experience.
The observation affirms that the physical design of a wearable device ought to be in accordance with its prospective applications. Like for a smartglasses, it is advisable to keep the touchpad separate from the screen, and vice versa is suggested for smartwatches. The only thing that has been considered to remain same for all the wearable computers is to give the device an appearance of hi-tech apparatus, but with the changing perspective, casual designs are becoming an au courant now. - Connectivity: The more a technical device is connectable, the better. With the increasing requirement of harmony, it has now become a need of the hour to make such wearable devices that can be synced easily with other ubiquitous computing devices. In fact, the proper use of some devices like smartwatches is only possible through appropriate synchronization with smartphones.
Well, the connectivity of the former-mentioned devices is conventional, but developing more connection possibilities may increase the value of any such device exponentially, and I’m not talking about cloud computing, the connection should be purely on the basis of synchrony. Such extensive connections do not only provide the convenience of usage but the facilities like backup, recovery, etc. Too may get a boost without making many extra efforts. - Health effects: Earlier when there was a lack of awareness of health and fitness related issues, many habits were publicized without paying much attention to the after-effects of such practices. For example, the use of cellphones was so new-developed, that little did anyone care, at the time, that the radiations emitted by these fine devices are capable of causing cancer. The same thought of school has induced people to question the health issues related to these wearable devices.
For sustainable growth, it is important to clear all such doubts of your potential customers. In fact, it is your responsibility, as a credible entrepreneur or developer, to address all the health related issues concerning your product. Conduct an unbiased research, make sure there aren’t any side-effects of the device if worn for a longer period of time. After receiving the positive report, let all your customers be aware of it. Keep in mind the consumers now are more aware, all thanks to the internet, than they ever were and for a worthwhile success it is imperative to put them at ease.
Albeit, the market of wearable devices is in the stage of prior development, the competition level seems to be increasing already. Soon this market may feel the need of suggestions to make its existence thrive. And in any case, application of good approaches are always beneficial to keep the production in lead.
Author Bio:
John is an academic writer. Presently he is providing his services to the clients of Instant Assignment Help. Apart from that, he has engaged himself in writing for the marketing research of wearable devices. He also has a wide collection of wearables, he is very fond of.