Five Ways To Attract More Website Visitors
A website is nothing without readers. That’s why we’re delighted that you’re here reading this page right now! For as long as the internet has existed and people have been trying to either communicate information or sell products and services online, webmasters have been wondering how to attract more people to their sites. Best practice in attracting visitors has changed and evolved a lot in the past twenty years. That means some of the tricks that worked ten years ago don’t work anymore. If you haven’t refreshed your marketing approach for a while, you might be missing out on valuable visitors – which means you’re also missing out on business.
Sadly, there is no ‘easy way’ to bring in website traffic. Building awareness of your site requires time, effort, and in some cases, money too. There’s also no ‘one hit’ tactic you can fall back on. Attracting traffic is, to use a metaphor, like playing Playtech slots. You repeat the same action again and again just like an online slots player does, and eventually you sit back and collect the jackpot when something pays off. This is actually a perfect metaphor because online slots websites are among the best at bringing visitors to their doors and persuading them to part with cash. We know the tricks used by online slots websites to achieve that aim, and also the best hints and tips from every other online industry too. We’re going to bring them to you right here in this article, and we’ve whittled a long list down to five key pieces of advice.
Use Clickbait Headlines
You hate clickbait. We hate clickbait. Everybody hates clickbait. Do you know why you hate clickbait, though? It’s because it works. How many times have you clicked on a link and been taken through to a webpage only to find out that it isn’t quite what you expected it to be from the headline? It’s irritating, but you probably stayed and read the page anyway. There’s a whole psychology that goes into writing clickbait headlines, but it can be boiled down to this question: what’s the most sensational way to communicate the message that you’re trying to get across? We’ve all found ourselves on Buzzfeed more than once because a headline drew us there. Read their headlines. Reword yours multiple times until it sounds like something that would excite you, and then hit the ‘post’ button.
Allow Comments
Comments sections on websites can be a minefield. Something about them seems to draw in the worst of humanity, and we’d certainly never advocate allowing a comment section to go unmoderated. That being said, a comment section can allow communities to develop on your website. People come for your content and stick around for the conversations that they generate. Don’t just watch the conversations happen; actively participate in them. Talking about your content with the people reading it is one of the most personal touches that any website owner could apply. If your site is busy enough, consider introducing a forum. That way, you’ll generate repeat visitors who come back every day to find out what’s being said.
Go Back To LinkedIn
There’s a prevaricating view in some corners of the internet than LinkedIn is no longer relevant. We don’t think that’s true. You might constantly have an inbox full of recruitment consultants if you own a LinkedIn account, but you also have access to a whole audience of people who are interested in your industry or in your field of specialty. When people want expert advice, they often look to LinkedIn to find it. If you’re a competent writer and a great communicator, there’s no reason why you couldn’t become one of those experts. LinkedIn will give you plenty of reasons why you should publish on their platform, and most of them are accurate. It doesn’t cost you anything, and you can include links in your posts that bring people back to your site. Posting their regularly will also help to boost your profile within your chosen field of expertise, which is never a bad thing.
Welcome Guest Posts
If you have a website and an audience, you’ll also find that you have people who want to contact your audience. That’s where guest posts come in handy. Guest posters will often want to promote their own services and incorporate links to their own sites, but you have full control over what gets posted and what doesn’t. If you don’t want to do business with a particular site or type of post, you don’t have to. If someone approaches you with something that could benefit both you and them, welcome the post. You could even charge a small fee for hosting their article if you wish, although this might be counterproductive. When you post a guest post for someone else, they’ll almost certainly feature it on their own website and social media accounts. That means you’ll be picking up traffic from their audience.
Focus On Long-Tail SEO
You might feel that trying to get anything accomplished using SEO is a waste of time if you operate in a highly competitive industry. All of the most common search terms will be getting hammered by companies or websites with much larger budgets than you, which makes it almost impossible to break through the noise. Think outside the box, though. More people actually search for long-tail SEO keywords than they do for the high-intent ones – all you need to do is find out what those long-tail keywords are. A Google AdSense account can help you with that, although there are other ways of finding the information you need. Getting results from this will probably be a case of trial and error, but be assured that if you invest the time, you’ll eventually get the results you’re looking for.
Going back to what we said at the beginning of this article, there are no guarantees when it comes to attracting visitors. Sometimes even the best-planned marketing campaign fails, and there’s no obvious reason why. If you stick to the five pieces of advice we’ve given here and work at them, though, you should reap the rewards in the long-term. Good luck!
Photo by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash