5 Tips on How to Quickly Find Engineers for Your Project
If you are eager to find engineers and hire them for your startup but have no idea what points to pay attention to while searching, this article will show you the right direction!
As far as you start a small business or a startup, you face several serious challenges, the solution to which the success of your project depends on. To find software engineers is just one of such significant tasks that need to be implemented with the most responsibility just because these experts will bring your ideas to reality. The future of your project depends on their skills and experience.
Despite the thing that nowadays there is a wide range of software developers of various qualifications and levels, it is not so simple to find engineers who will fit all the requirements of the project. So, we have prepared 5 tips on how to quickly find engineers for your projects without missing the quality of the process.

Tip 1: Prepare a Catchy Job Description
One of the most effective methods to quickly find software engineers is to post on the most reputable job portals. Here, your target is to attract professionals and bring to your project the attention of engineers who fit it the best. You require a simple, but bright description of the vacant position.
The text should be carefully considered, deliver necessary info, stylistically fit your startup, and convince potential candidates. Note that you have no time for persuasion, so, even the title must generate interest. Considering a summarized list of required experience, position, technology, and main accent, the candidate can understand whether they find the offer fitting or not.
Divide your job description into two parts:
· Firstly, point out the data where the reader quickly finds the needed info: the key skills and the desirable plus points. You should precisely describe the task as well as determine the areas of responsibility. Financial benefits play a great role too, so, it should be stated. This demonstrates transparency and excludes software engineers whose salary expectations are higher than your budget.
· In the second part, highlight why your startup is so special and the argumentation of why software developers should work for it. It would be perfect if you draw a real picture of the future workplace: add links to photos, videos, blog posts, etc. This enables candidates to see corporate culture and future colleagues. Also, highlight the additional benefits that your startup will provide the new employee with: extensive training, tech conferences, sports, and other bonuses that can be offered to candidates.
Tip 2: Find Effective Places to Search and Hire Engineers
After job descriptions at job sites, great places to find engineers are as follows:
· At specialized websites. If you desire to find specialists who possess years of experience in software development, a big stack of technologies applied, and samples of implemented projects similar to yours, you should start your search from specialized sites, where talented IT professionals suggest their services. Just click on Best Software Engineer Job Posting Sites for 2020 and enjoy the results;
· Mind social networking: while communicating with others, do your best to transfer the info that your project badly needs a software developer via your personal as well as professional contacts;
· Cooperating with students and post-graduate. Don’t miss to attend career days organized by universities for the areas of expertise you require, post ads on bulletin boards, and explore online resources on which students of specialties you have a stake in look for a job;
· Finally, don’t miss such events as hackathons. Put into your calendar attending professional events like that, and you will ascertain that many talented engineers are searching here for exactly what you plan to point out in your job offer.
Tip 3: How About BPO for Small Business?
It may occur that your search turned out to be ineffective. What if you can’t quickly find engineers for your project with the above-mentioned tips? An ideal solution here would be to hire outsourcing contractors. How does it work? On specific websites, you pick up a software engineering company that corresponds to your needs. You should be ready to provide them with your business requirements and product specs. In turn, they will represent a certain doc for cost estimation. As far as you confirm it, an engineering team begins designing your project.
A wonderful solution to find extremely talented engineers is the Engre marketplace. Here, you will definitely find professionals in any industry you want. Among the advantages of the marketplace, they distinguish the following:
· Qualified software engineers with a strong tech background and experience in different industries;
· Fast delivery and high quality;
· Fair price policy and discounts to VIP-clients;
· Partner programs.
Tip 4: Create a Website for Your Startup
If you already possess your company’s website, it is time to design an appealing careers page there. However, you may face one challenge with this type of search: nobody knows your startup exists because you just start growing and developing your solution. Well, a tiny life hack may be applied. Promote your website and product via various social networks for specialists to discover that you exist. Probably, you will find a software engineer for your project.
Tip 5: Choose Partnership with Recruitment Agencies
Recruitment agencies have a broader industry perspective than you do. To succeed, be ready to deliver a clear list of your priorities regarding what type of candidate you want to work with because recruiters don’t have extrasensory skills to guess exactly your needs.
Image by RAEng_Publications from Pixabay