Why is Website Design Important for your Business?
In 2019, the UN Conference on Trade and Development released its very first ‘Digital Economy Report,’ which clearly shows the growth of digital culture in the world. The report highlights the infinite potential that lies ahead of every business if they can convince their customers to buy everything online.
The invention and rapid acceptance of blockchain technology, IoT, cloud computing are the most significant examples of how the consumers are moving towards the digital platform. Thus, in an era where the smartphone is the new computer, how can an organization operate without a website. In today’s time, the biggest marketplace for all brands, big or small, is not across the street but is on the internet, routed through the biggest search engine of the world, i.e., Google. According to a recent report on eCommerce, almost 90% of businesses are making the most with a search engine search; this means that if you still do not have a website, you are amongst the 10% who is still operating, the traditional way.
With the easy availability of the internet, consumers are also turning towards the online world to research products and services; they browse through various brands before they click on one to purchase. You will be surprised to know that the global eCommerce sales in 2019 were over $3 trillion, this figure was almost 18% more than in 2018. Hence, the website is the gateway to your company so, if you do not have a well-designed website for your business, it’s time to get one now.
While a website is essential, one must ensure that it does not look like a block of information, but the entire presentation fulfills the fundamental design values. One must approach the website design, keeping in mind the three principles of design thinking – Empathy, Expansive Thinking, and Experimentation.
Let’s look at some key points that can make your website more engaging.
Simple yet Vibrant Colours and Photography
Research shows that it takes less than 5 seconds for a user to develop an opinion or preference for a website. Here, the first impression of the customer decides his behavior and interaction with the brand. So, the first look of your website is impressive, grand, and clean; then you have managed to make the visitor spend more time with you online. A website feedback tool comes handy to help you measure the engagement levels of your target audience.
Let’s understand this point with a case study; Happy Planet’s Food and Beverages company was famous for providing the best quality, organically grown fruits, and vegetables. However, their website failed to deliver the message; thus, after a dip-stick survey, they decided to revamp their website. While they retained the colors, fonts, and the logo, they updated the site with fresh photography, splashes of color, and bold illustrations to match their fresh new product packaging. After the revamp, the website was able to garner greater customer engagement, the where to buy section was clicked more, and the average spending time of the visitors increased. A UX UI design agency can help a lot with this task and make your website look fresh and create long lasting impressions from customers.
Is your website telling a story? Every product is attached to a need or a dream. At the end of the day, the consumer either engages with a brand to fulfill his need or fulfill his aspirations. The gateway to every brand story begins with the website, if the website can tell the story that a consumer wants to hear, he will immediately click on the buy now button or at least save it to his cart for future purchase. Most cosmetic brands apply the before and after feature to involve the user with the brand; the product is photographers from all sides, some websites allow the user to zoom the product and have a 360-degree view. Additionally, the product’s impact is shown through a story of how a simple face cream and turn you into a beauty queen. The message is so attractively presented on the website and further replicated in other communications that the user is convinced that It’s indeed a dream that is worth buying.
Less is More
Yes! When it comes to websites, less is more. Users like less but impactful content, they look for keywords, and if you use words that are hard to understand, then you are sure to miss the bus. So, keep the keywords highlighted, write short sentences, showcase the benefits, show how the product solves a problem, allow your site to speak with confidence, and generate the trust, that will turn the visitor into a loyal customer.
The Final Word
The first impression of a new user is usually his last; statistics prove that 80% of the users do not return to a website if they had a bad experience. Therefore, take no chances, create a simple, user-friendly, clean, and aesthetic website, and give your customer-pleasant brand experience.