The Advantages of Using WordPress to Build Your Website
WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS). The platform powers about one-third of all websites globally, from personal blogs to complex sites. Besides being free to download and install, WordPress has unique features that make it popular. If you are a content developer, you probably know that there are several options available when developing a website. However, interest in WordPress has grown due to its several advantages in the past few years. Read on to discover the advantages of using WordPress to build your website.
1. Flexible
WordPress was initially designed for blogging and related online publishing. However, the platform has advanced to support various sites with other purposes. You can now use WordPress to run sites for multinational corporations, manage small businesses, and create personal blogs. Whatever requirements you want, the core WordPress and a few plugins will suit your website. WordPress is also endlessly adaptable to your company’s changing needs thanks to its several themes and easy access to source files.
2. User Friendly
You can use and manage WordPress even if you are not a web designer. Anyone can install and run the platform within minutes. All you need is a domain name and the best wordpress hosting. You can install WordPress through your web hosting provider or directly from WordPress will then provide an easy-to-use dashboard with all features required to customize your site and launch it immediately.
3. Several Theme Options
WordPress themes provide you with many ways to fine-tune the appearance and functionality of your website. Most of these themes are instantly available to new site owners through the WordPress theme directory. You can also purchase others through design marketplaces and third-party designers. The best thing is that you can preview a theme before installing it to see if it is a perfect fit for your WordPress site.
4. Plugins
WordPress has everything you need to create a basic site. However, some users want more specialized functions. Plugins will help you achieve the functionality you want. Plugins are small codes designed to perform specific tasks, allowing users to add features like shopping carts, galleries, contact forms, and others. The most popular plugins are security, ecommerce, and accessibility plugins. You can find free plugins or purchase and install them from third-party developers. The best thing is that you can activate, deactivate, or uninstall plugins as your site evolves.
5. Mobile Responsive
You probably know that mobile responsiveness is among the factors in Google rankings. So, you must make your website mobile-friendly if you want to rank high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERPs). WordPress has a variety of responsive theme designs. You can use WordPress themes and plugins to make a static site responsive.
6. Built-in Blog
WordPress has several features that make it easy to publish content. One of these features is a built-in blog that you can access from any device and at any time. If you want to add a blog to your website, you no longer need to create one separately. This allows sites not related to blogging to use this feature for updates or announcements.
7. Support
No one wants to deal with a content management system that offers little or no support. Since WordPress is free and open-source, it has a loving community that changes the source file and keeps it updated and secure. The WordPress community engages in several outreaches to users by holding WordPress camps worldwide and supporting the WordPress users. If you have any questions, professional wordpress suport or require assistance, this community will help you and ensure you use your website seamlessly.
8. SEO Friendly
An excellently designed website will not matter if it does not get traffic. Fortunately, WordPress is built with search engines in mind. WordPress developers wrote the CMS using high-quality code with semantic mark-up, meaning that Google and other search engines love WordPress. This is why WordPress sites rank high. You can also use the WordPress SEO plugin to optimize your site and attract more traffic.
9. Safety
Website security is a priority for all content creators. Fortunately, WordPress also prioritizes security. The platform also allows you to do more to make your site more secure from hackers. For instance, you must regularly update your WordPress themes and plugins to prevent new threats. You can also back up your site to ensure you can restore your site if anything bad happens. Installing a firewall on your computer and WordPress site is another effective way to secure your site.
WordPress benefits millions of users globally. You will find the WordPress community welcoming and eager to help you if you are a beginner.