
Published on March 4th, 2019 | by Bibhuranjan


7 Highly-Effective Internet Technologies for Students to Rapid Their Writing Process

From an early age, students are expected to hand in long essays. By the time you get to college, you have written a lot of content. Writing is a skill that some people find easier than others. If you have to complete your mba thesis, you already know the enormity of the task. Even if you have written a lot up until this point, there might still be a few aspects of the process you struggle with. Writing high-quality content is more than just stringing words together. Having to do an academic piece can be even more complicated. There is not a lot of room for creativity when it comes to academic writing. You have to stick with the facts in order for your essay to be valid.

If you search hard enough, you will discover a lot of internet technologies that can help in the writing process. Using these tools are created to help students and writers a like. If you are a student with a lot of writing ahead of you, these tools are going to help improve your writing and make the process run smoother. No student wants to hand in mediocre work. Some just aren’t natural writers and others effective online tools can help you write faster and come up with amazing ideas. don’t have enough time to dedicate to writing. Unfortunately, writing is part of the school process and there is no getting away from it. What if you had a set of tools to make it easier?


This is one of the best writing tools out there for students. It was designed to boost your writing process with a lot of fun along the way. If you are a high-school student, you are the main audience for this website. The activities on there are interactive and provides a lot of information you can use after high-school. Sometimes we are so focused on where we are now and don’t think ahead. You need to start planning for the future early on. Learning how to write a business letter only becomes important later in your life, but it is a skills most professionals need.


Writing is all about the person who is going to read it and not about the writer. If your content has a few flaws, this tool will help you correct it. The process is fairly simple and it can save a lot of time you would have spent researching. Simply add your text on the website and within seconds you will receive notes as if a professional editor looked at your work.


You have all these great ideas filling space in your brain that you simply cannot remember any of it a day from now. It is important to organize these thoughts. Let’s say you have a ton of project management research topics and you don’t write it down. You are not going to remember half of these by the time you have to write. MindMup is a great tool to help keep these topics and ideas organized. The writing process is broken up into smaller sections to help you cover all of the basis.


This tool is so helpful when it comes to writing your thesis or capstone project. Having to create a bibliography from scratch is a tedious task. The other problem with this task is that you don’t have any room for error. There is a format you have to stick to and in order for you to receive high grades on your writing, it needs to be adhered to. This tool will help you create accurate bibliographies without any trouble. It’s a must-have tool for students.


If you need a quick guide on writing essays for school, this is the website to visit. There are so many valuable pieces of information on this site. Over the years, it has become popular amongst students and writers alike. It takes a lot to get an essay done in a short amount of time. If you know what is expected of you, the process becomes easier. You have to approach any piece of writing with a clear plan if you want to do it faster while not compromising the quality.

Thesis Builder

This tool is going to help get your thesis done at a faster pace. The thought of a thesis can stress out anyone. It is the thought of this enormous job that is causing this stress response. Sometimes, all you need to do is break the task up into smaller sections. Look at short presentation topics list and then move on to the first step of writing. This tools takes you through the process of building a thesis and it is completely free to use.


Having a good grammar checker is always useful when you are working on an essay. This tool goes beyond the average grammar checker. You get so much advice on your writing that it feels like you have a personal editor. The app is free to use for a lot of functions, but there is an option to upgrade. Having this tool on your side is going to help you get the editing process done quickly. For some people it is the editing process that is the most stressful.

Do you use internet technologies to help you with your writing process?

There is no need to not use the help that is right in front of you. A lot of times you don’t even have to pay for it. If there are more serious writing projects, you can also go the route of hiring a professional writer to complete the task. Students are so busy these days and could use some help. Most of these tools were created for exactly that reason. You might as well make the process of writing easier for yourself. Your voice needs to be heard and a great way to express how you feel is through writing.

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Editorial Officer, technofaq.org I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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