5 Tips to Find Awesome Content Ideas for your SEO Campaigns
The key to any successful content campaign is a brilliant idea. The idea should be exciting so that people get the urge to read it till the end and share among more people. So it sounds like getting a spark of an idea is the final key to success in content creation. But it’s also not that much difficult to get a perfect idea. Having good content, in addition to faster loading speed and regular optimization of the website can result in huge traffic and conversions resulting in handsome profit.
Below mentioned five tips can help to get good content ideas that will boost your SEO campaign to a great extent.
1. Competitive Research:
This is a basic and important step of content creation. Go through the websites of your competitors and see what angle they are writing. In spite of the fact that the scope of doing business online is increasing, we must keep in mind that the competition is also becoming intense.
What’s trending and what is not?
You must choose such variations of keywords that are trending on the top of Google Trends. Select your niche and see what topic people are searching for in your area. Make a shortlist of those topics first.
What’s getting links?
Do research on your own that which pages of your competitors’ sites are getting the most links and where are those links coming from. This will give you an insight that what types of contents are catching more audience, which topics are being more searched and read by the readers. Also, you can use the link opportunities tool within OSE to find out the sources that are linking to your rivals and not you.
What keywords are top traffic earners?
Again study your rivals to find out what keywords they are using to pull traffic and what are their top referring sites. Also, find out about their top performing content. In this way, you may get some sparks that will help to make your content bright. For example, if you’re running a café and get a top keyword as “peach cobbler recipe” from your rival, you can put some of your own recipes online to attract more readers.
2. See that the Content is fresh
The companies, who are old players in the field, can manage to get a complete content marketing strategy just by going through the latest news directly or indirectly. But if you are new in this field, then you must know to find the balance between the latest ideas and evergreen ideas that remain fresh over the long run.
An easy way to get more timely ideas is to estimate the time of your content publishing and what are the main happenings of that time, like – will there be any holiday, or big movie release, seasonal change, or some important award show etc. It’s striking to note how easy it gets to forget the back-to-school season when you’re coming with ideas in March. For better results, make a calendar about important events of your business and keep it in stock for next year’s ideation.
3. Get to Recognize the Right Idea
After you have got a whiteboard, notebook or file full of ideas, now it’s time to take out the brilliant ideas as well as to mark the top competitors. It’s best if done alone by self or in a small group. What you should do is –
• Wipeout anything that sounds boring.
• Omit those that don’t fit within your arena – be it of time or budget. You can though save some ideas for later too. So just don’t throw all those into bins still!
• Make a fresh list of the ideas that charm you most. Even if you can’t find the right reasons for liking these at this moment, sort out your own favorites. You will eventually get the justifications. But for now, trust your gut and the excitement as you will need these things greatly as you proceed further in this journey.
• Think about this idea – is it just for a single content, or it’s capable to build a whole series?
• Choose those ideas that are impactful as well as relevant. You can seek online tips to learn how to highlight ideas based on both of these criteria.
Once you apply these boundaries to the list of your potential ideas, you will eventually get the brightest idea/ideas. If you are still confused, then return to ideation and find out what didn’t work out this time. It will serve as the start of your discussion.
4. Understand the Needs of the audience
As you do research to find out your audience’s intent, also remember that it’s not enough just to know that they’re interested in your topic. It’s necessary to find out what exactly they’re looking for in your topics like researching, shopping or selling. Thus only you can make sure that your content is worthy of conversion.
Also, it’s mandatory to study the audience’s direct feedbacks and talks. You can study customer care surveys, social interactions and Q&A’s as worthy resources for the same. This way you will be able to know all your customer touch points and then uncover your intellect likewise.
5. Organizing the Content
What is the main subject of the content? Does it tell about your products or just educational? What it is about – social media, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, landing pages, A/B tests, or something else? Make a list of categories that depict well what you’ve covered through content marketing. Also, assign every piece in a category. This will help you to get conclusions like – your audience engaging rate has increased (and how much %), your audience is taking an interest in which specific type of post etc.
How long is your content? Does its length affect its view and share by the audience? Which type of content your readers prefer – long and comprehensive or short and sweet?
What’s the flavor of your content – sweet, funny, professional or cute? Use descriptors that will minutely describe your content, applying them to single piece for your analysis.
According to a study conducted by The Hosting Institute, the most engaging content on the web is written in a very friendly with an informal tone. Also short paragraphs and well formatted articles get a 34% increase in time spent on page.
How relevant or aligned is your actual business with the content’s topic? Does it advertise your products, or is it about some silly but catchy topic that caters the audience and only slightly related to your business? Create a scale, do analysis and mark the content as its which part falls to which reading of that scale.
Some contents make a place in a long run defying time, and some obviously don’t. You must know that where each part of your content sits on the scale of evergreen to kindling.
What types of contents do you include? How are they catered? Does it contain some videos, images, info-graphs etc.? Does it feature specific SEO mark-ups like title tags, headings throughout, Meta descriptions, schema markup etc.?
If you consider these tips and make your content likewise, you’ll surely succeed. These points one must remember while preparing contents for SEO campaigns. You must be methodical on your work as you proceed. Always keep the audience’s taste, interest, and demands as vital while writing such contents. Do some research, study on your own, follow these tips and voila! You’ll surely be successful in content marketing.