What are the Top Five Most Advanced Link Building Strategies for 2018?
Over the decade, digitization has spread out its tentacles in almost every sector. And based on the current market scenario, it seems to be in hyperdrive. Along with its expansion, it has been evolving constantly while transforming the rules and strategies of the game. Search Engine Optimisation is primarily focused on improving visibility and boosting the ranks of a website, and one of the most powerful ways to achieve is to expand the reach with effective link building. Here is a list of the most powerful link building techniques by the leading expert in link building service.
- Make the user stay with ‘Internal Links’:
High bounce rate and scarce user activity are the major reasons for falling rankings. Keep your users engaged and promote activity with strategic internal link building. Catch their attention with the right keywords and allow them to dig deeper into the website. This improves website indexation, exposes various website resources to traffic and boost the website rank on the relevance scale of a search engine. - Let others do the heavy lifting:
The simple methods and conventional strategies are no match for the cutthroat competition in the market. Therefore, it is has become a necessity to tiptoe your competitors. Identify the backlinks and sources being used by other leading businesses and use their research to your benefit with the aid of CSEO. You can use the same Keywords, external sources, blogs or mentions, anything that can be used to your advantage. - Guest posting and mentions:
Current marketing strategy trends show that guest posting and mentions as the most popular and powerful tool to expand one’s territory. Harness the potential of blogging and use informative blogs and help contents to get the necessary attention. Create an informative resource by guest blogging and utilize it to promote your business with mentions and keywords that identify your organization, only to use these are backlinks for the website. These days information blogs like ‘how-to’, ’benefits of’, ‘top listings’ etc. are trending on social media and other resource sharing websites. - Commenting on social media and blogs:
Social media platforms have always been among the best marketing channels for businesses. One can surely drive traffic to their websites with posts and a good social media profile, but blog commenting brings greater opportunities to the mix. Identifying relevant quality posts and blogs to comment on and post wisely (while including your link in the content). This helps in relationship building and also offers great visibility to the target audience. - Set up valuable alerts:
Keywords are one of the elementary foundations for SEO and these are the ones that help search engines to fetch relevant results. SEO tools like Google Alerts can help you identify the trending keywords related to a topic and genre. Use these results to create links for your website and get noticed.
There are numerous opinions and techniques to link building, but with the continuously changing SEO landscape, only the most powerful and effective link building strategies can help your website escape the axe. Put these into action and watch the traffic grow. Just be cautious with link building as doing too much or creating them at the wrong places can do more harm than good.