How to use technology to keep your productivity levels high [Infographic]
Computers and digital solutions were meant to make everybody’s lives easier, but if they make it more simple to get a lot of stuff done then the flipside is that we’re expected to achieve a lot more. If you’ve found that you are becoming a slave of the computer when really it should serving you, then it’s time to switch things around and start using technology to help you power through those exhausting days.
For example, try downloading an app such as Be Focussed to help you regulate your day. These apps can be set to provide an alarm however often you need to take a break, and a second alarm to remind you to get back to work. Breaks are essential to remaining focussed and productive, even on a busy day.
If you’re lucky enough to work from a laptop and for an employer who doesn’t insist on keeping an eye on you 24/7, you can utilize this by taking your computer to work in a café for an hour or two. Find somewhere with strong coffee and strong WiFi, and the change of scene can really perk you up. Your creativity will blossom and your concentration levels are sure to rise.
But don’t forget that technology can also be counter-productive. If you’re constantly distracted by Facebook notifications, or hopping between your main task and answering emails, you will find that your work suffers. Instead, schedule a certain period of the day for dealing with online communication, and then switch all your unnecessary notifications off. You will be surprised how much more productive this makes you!
A new infographic from STL provides 11 great tips on how to remain productive even when all this constant processing of information is getting you down. Pin it to your computer desktop, and don’t forget to check it on days when you need a productivity boost. Computers are meant to help, not hinder us!