Movies That Struck Oil [Infographic]
Here at Fuel Fighter we thought we’d take a look at some of the blockbuster films based on oil. With both the film and oil industry worth billions of dollars it’s small wonder that two go hand-in-hand.
In this infographic we’ve taken a look at some of the biggest oil related blockbusters and given a run-down on the plots, the leading actors, and noted any awards they may have won. The piece also includes some movie bloopers, both untruths about what may be discovered when drilling for oil and scene continuations that made it to the final cut, iconic quotes and some fun facts, including the biggest ever set piece built to date in the film Deep Water Horizon, where an actual oil rig was constructed.
Let There Be Blood, a film loosely based on the novel Oil by Upton Sinclair, and starring Daniel Day Lewis is based on the quest for wealth, which in many of the story lines in oil related movies. While Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior starring Mel Gibson is based on depleted fuel supplies, giving an interpretation of how reliant the world is on oil and its by-products.
Take a look at the piece below to discover more about the Movies That Struck Oil in more ways than one.