Four platforms to find stolen or plagiarized content from the internet
Plagiarism is one of the most unethical activities that can be done while writing a content or producing a piece of communication. The basic definition of a plagiarized content is copying someone’s ideas or work and presenting it as if it was your own. This means anything you take from the internet without properly sourcing it, can be termed as plagiarism. Most institutions around the world have zero tolerance for this as they ensure students are perfectly trained to work without really plagiarizing, this way it is expected of them that they will continue this habit in the professional field as well.
When we talk about plagiarism and plagiarists, there are people who still find themselves getting away with some heavy injection of plagiarized content within their work. This is because they use sources from the internet which are weak in nature and cannot be traced easily. Plagiarists rely on the anonymity and the vastness of the whole internet infrastructure and they expect that a weak source will not be easily scanned by anything which is capable of detecting a plagiarized content. Today, our guest post will focus on using four different platforms to find stolen or plagiarized content very easily from the internet.
Google search engine
For easy cheaters and copy masters, Google offers the best solution to detect anything which is plagiarized. A few word query can display the exact source from where the content or the data was taken and you have your stolen material on your screen. Google in this regards has made tremendous development by constantly working on improving its algorithms in order to detect plagiarized content even more powerfully and make it difficult for people to get away with it easily. This way, Google search becomes the number one platform to detect stolen content from the internet. Similarly, you can also use other search engines to good effect like Bing and Yahoo.
Copyscape and other similar applications
Internet programmers and developers have worked on the best kind of software that can help academic professors and other people to detect plagiarized content very easily. Software like Copyscape can in a matter of seconds find the exact sources and even to the extent sentences which are plagiarized. The only drawback to this software is that they are premium charged. The free version of such applications offers only a limited functionality. However, premium versions offer long term benefits for a payment of small subscription fee.
Bloggers and Blogging websites
You can add digital fingerprints and signatures in order to detect plagiarized content from different blogging websites or even plagiarized blogs. Digital signatures act as complete proofreading and security sign for anyone who is trying to steal your content from the internet and use it on other sources.
Google Alerts
Not yet completely explored, but Google Alerts are round the clock notification center for anything that is being talked about once you mention it. For example, if you want to know how many people and where have they talked about your particular brand; you can feed it on your Google alert and find out instant notifications about it.
About the author:
Mark works in the education sector and has been associated with the research and plagiarism department of the university for over a decade. He likes to contribute his insights to Custom academic writing service