Backups, the Solution to Protect Businesses from Ransomware
Ransomware is currently a hot topic on the subject of Computer Security and for a good reason. It is a malware that encrypts files and requires the payment of a “ransom” for decrypting them. This threat is here to stay and, even worse, it is more aggressive than ever.
While malware that encrypts files of users and companies on a try to extort money is not something new, there are new dangerous variants of this practice, targeting individual users and small to medium-sized companies, that have found themselves deprived of access to their documents and management software database.
No one is safe, not even with mobile devices like smartphones and tablets, and the places where we felt safe, such as work or at home, have ceased to be. The ransomware is no longer a local problem – everyone is a potential target.
Similarly to what happens with other malware families, cybercriminals working with ransomware use different methods of introducing this threat on the computer of victims, such as downloads, email attachments, among others.
The impact ransomware can have on users, preventing them from accessing all your information, is very serious. In fact, it is one of the most important security incidents, since it takes advantage of the lack of security mechanisms or an effective backup policy.
And backup is key here because, if a person or a company has an entire backup of their data, then the effects caused by a ransomware attack will be virtually nonexistent, other then losing some time cleaning mess that is left behind, with all those encrypted files.
However, a concerning number of businesses and companies look to overlook the importance of backups, according to a recent survey conducted by CloudBerry Lab, a leader in cloud-based backup and file management services to small and mid-sized businesses (SMBs).
The survey was conducted with 400 full-time employees from around the world, and nearly half of respondents (49%) claimed to have a single copy of their business data which, should that data become inaccessible (due to a ransomware attack, for example), could cause a complete operational disruption, which could cause huge losses.
36% of the surveyed professionals said backup their business data completely – while this is great, a similar number of respondents do no backups at all. With this in mind, it comes as no surprise that more than a fourth (27%) claimed to have lost business data “several times”.
Other than investing on improved security mechanisms, the best way to be protected against ransomware is to have backups. It seems that companies are still not understanding this message quite clearly, which can be concerning, but surely time will help them realize the importance of backups, not only as protection against ransomware but also to more trivial things, such as mechanical accidents or something similar.