PS4: get hyped up, all the AAA games announced so far
It’s going to be a few months before the Sony next-gen console launches, but a slew of games have already been announced.
With more to go, the list absolutely belittles the Wii U’s launch line up. So let’s get to it.
Multiplatform titles
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Another Assassin’s Creed releases this year, some might cringe but I love it (Yes, I said it out loud).
Battlefield 4
Another bout of feisty multiplayer action; COD fans, hold on to your hats.
Cyberpunk 2077
Not much is known about this ambitious project from CD Projekt RED aside from its release date being sometime in 2015, and although it’s only been announced for the PS4 as of right now, it’s a given that it will see a nextbox release.
Destiny is Bungie’s next big thing after Halo, and it seems that it is indeed destined to blow our minds.
Watch Dogs
The new IP from Ubisoft. Cell phone hacking, train rides, brutal beat downs with dual wielding sticks, enthralling visuals. Yup,this is a game to watch out for.
Thief is an upcoming video game developed Eidos montreal and published by Square Enix. It is a reboot of the Thief series of stealth games. It has been announced for the PS4 and “other next gen consoles” which definitely means a nextbox and maybe even a (unlikely) Wii U release.
The Witcher 3:Wild Hunt
The Witcher 3 is set “in an open world 30 times larger” than the previous games and features the new Red Engine 3 game engine. Pretty exciting stuff in my book.
Carmageddon: Reincarnation
Following a successful Kickstarter campaign, and privately raised 3.5 million $, Carmageddon Reincarnation will arrive on PC/Linux/OS X and PS4, an Xbox version was confirmed when Stainless Games publishing director Jason Garber told Eurogamer’s Robert Purchese “next-gen platforms” does mean PlayStation 4 and the next Xbox. “It is implied and we do not shy away from saying it to you”
call of duty: ghosts
The tenth iteration in call of duty series is slated to release on 5 nov this (finally) features a new game will also appear at the “Xbox Reveal” event on May 21, 2013.
Killzone: Shadow Fall
This games’ visuals are nothing short of jaw-dropping, supplemented by the huge scope and from the gameplay showcased so far, its gameplay seems tight.
Infamous: Second Son
Despite the slightly comical name the game looks promising, and if the first entry in the series is any indication, this definitely has the potential to be an exclusive worthy of being remembered.
This is a new IP by the japanese studio that brought to us Shadow of the Colossus(in collaboration with Team ICO). It is big on physics and a central character that has a multitude of abilities; Sony describes the gameplay as “a little bit like Crash Bandicoot and Katamari Damacy, with a touch of God of War”. Take it as you will.
Sony’s Evolution Studios is set to bring a new IP driveclub to the PS4 and break away from the Motorstorm series(at least for now). It apparently has a lot of social elements and is aimed at the elite petrol heads. Although I myself am not a racing sim fan, I can get behind the meticulously crafted car designs and hyper real graphics.
Final Fantasy
Nothing is known except that Square Enix is making a new Final Fantasy game and Square Enix’s Shinji Hashimoto said and I quote “please be excited for E3 this year”.
Deep Down
Capcom’s latest is “Deep Down”, although thats a working title at the moment. It is being developed on their new engine Panta Rhei, which is capable of extremely impressive visuals. The game apparently features dragons….enough said.
Diablo 3
Sony and Blizzard have teamed up to bring Diablo 3 to both the PS3 and PS4. The game has already been out for Windows and OS X for a little more than a year. This is the first time console players will taste the previously PC-only diablo.
This list will of course be kept updated.