4 Signs It’s Time to Find a New IT Managed Services Provider
Your Managed Services Provider, or MSP, is probably offering you many services. You may be unaware of the true reach of their influence over your daily operations or of the effectiveness of their services. For many companies, their MSP becomes part of the background of their daily work functions, sort of like the paint on the walls or the watercooler in the corner.
MSP providers can offer a full range of services from infrastructure support to the management of databases, to technical support functions. The goal of an MSP is to allow your company to leverage its network of experienced support providers so that you do not have to hire and maintain your own IT department.
The problem with assuming that your MSP is taking care of your needs as they should be is that you might actually be spending money on services that you are not receiving as well as being offered less than ideal solutions to company needs. You may be wasting money on the MSP that you have picked simply because you have not audited their performance in a while.
If you think that it might be time to find a new IT managed services provider, read this list of signs that it is time to make the move to a new MSP.
Signs It’s Time to Find a New IT Managed Services Provider
1. Are They Offering You the Most Up to Date Technologies?
Especially as the work landscape makes the move to a remote work model, you need to have access to the right technology to make your work hours productive and effective. Cloud services are here to stay and you need to have access and support for the right cloud-managed services to benefit your company in a variety of ways.
You should make sure that you are using Microsoft 365 as well as a good cloud backup service at a minimum. Protection against data loss is also essential and you should not be in a bind if you experience a natural disaster, power failure, or a supply chain attack.
2. Communication and Service
If you are starting to feel that you are struggling to get resolutions to issues or communications about changes to your servicing plan and methods, you should probably start doing some research. Check out the Better Business Bureau and also look at reviews online about your MSP.
If you find that there are other similar complaints, it is time to do some more digging into your overall experience with your MSP. Look at communication channels that are offered as well as the average time that it takes to get a response. Be wary of companies who are constantly experiencing turnover as well as those that have a bad attitude when you call and want access to additional customer care.
You should not have to struggle to get help from your MSP for any reason. They are the support structure that makes your daily operations smooth and you hired them to help you with these processes. It should not be your job to monitor their care of your company.
3. Do They Act Like a Real Partner?
Always remember that you chose your MSP to be your business partner. They need to be an entity that you can trust and who takes care of your business IT needs without fail. If your MSP is disconnected from your business goals or they are not invested in your business solutions and needs, you probably need to find a new MSP to work with.
You want to be sure that your MSP works with you on a daily basis and does not just reach out for their payment every month. You need to work with an MSP that is invested in your business and that helps you to find better and improved IT solutions as times change or as you experience pain points with your daily operations.
4. Are They Transparent About Their Services?
It is all too common for IT companies to try to avoid explaining the nuts and bolts of their services to companies who engage them for MSP support. This is partially due to the nature of inclusive IT communities who are resistant to the idea of breaking down their jobs into layman’s terms, but it can also be a sign that your MSP is not being upfront with you.
No matter the reason, your MSP should be willing to speak with you about any of your concerns and answer questions when you have them about the nature of the services they are providing. You may not be working in IT with them, but you are their client and they should not treat you like a nuisance that they want to avoid.
You need to be sure that you are getting the most for your dollar when you work with an MSP and they should be able to show you just where your budget for their services is allocated. You do not ever want to have to question whether or not they are providing the services that you have contracted with them for.
The Right MSP is Should Offer Commitment and Caring Attention
While IT is not often associated with good customer and consumer relationships, the inclusive nature of IT work is changing. It is no longer acceptable for IT companies to refuse to explain their services or to talk down to their clients that they support. You should never work with an MSP that makes you feel like you are annoying them or that you are not worthy of their effort or attention.
Your relationship with your MSP is based on trust and coordinated workflows and you should be able to access any information that you need whenever you ask for it. Being able to assess areas that need improvement and places where your current MSP could step up their game should not be difficult if the company is truly open and transparent with their clients.
Working with the right MSP can save you thousands of dollars each year and it can make your daily work reality much more productive and enjoyable.
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