Is The Bowflex VeloCor the Best Peloton Alternative?
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have recognized the alternatives and benefits to working out at home. As such, the sale of at-home exercise equipment is on the rise. Peloton has dominated the indoor cyclist industry for some time now. The Peloton was the first company to create a bike that brings an entire workout experience to your home. With Peloton, you can connect with others and have an instructor at the comfort of your home. However, Bowflex is now the best Peloton alternative. Apart from the usual technological features such as an HD touchscreen and adjustable seat features, it actually leans with you as you ride. Here is why Bowflex is the best Peloton Alternative.
1. Experience
Bowflex VeloCore brings an entirely new way to ride at home by providing you with a customized experience. Besides coming with an option to allow you to move or remain stationary, this bike is loaded with all the advanced technology to keep you engaged, entertained, and motivated in your workout. Add that to the leaning mode technology. Bowflex VeloCor is the first and only bike currently available to offer the leaning mode technology. This new feature provides a wild riding experience, making you feel like you are actually on the road or trail. Unlike any other bike, VeloCore engages your legs, arms, core, and the entire body.
2. Features and Benefits
Bowflex VeloCore comes with several features that improve your workout. The mechanics cover all the basics that you would wish. The bike features magnetic resistance, which produces the smoothest ride and aligns with the industry-standards for indoor exercise bikes. The bike is also heavy duty. It has a higher weight tolerance and can handle a rider of up to 325 pounds, while the Peloton handles riders of up to 297 pounds. The adjustable seat and handlebar heights also allow it to accommodate riders of different sizes. The adjustable HD touchscreen offers optimal viewing and comfort that meets your unique needs. You can also choose to have either the 16’’ or 22’’ screen consoles depending on what you like. VeloCore includes pedals with fitted toe cages so that you can choose between using your regular and cycling shoes, a feature that costs extra for Peloton users.
3. Programming
Like the Peloton, Bowflex has an app (JRNY) included in the bike’s hardware. However, you need to subscribe to access all the contents. JRNY allows you to stream training sessions. You can also keep track of your exercise metrics, enjoy personalized direction to your workout, and register your progress. For instance, if you start with less intense rides, the app will gradually begin to present you with more intense workouts enabling you to hit your next target. JRNY also captures various data points such as your cadence, resistance level, heart rate, and the total calories you burn per session. This tracking ability allows you to get the most out of your workout. While Peloton uses a leaderboard to motivate you, Bowflex will enable you to compete with yourself or with others. When competing, you will win trophies and badges to keep you motivated.
4. Connection to Other Apps
Besides the access to multiple workout options, a subscription to JRNY allows you to access other entertainment accounts such as Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and Disney++. You can watch your favorite show as you work out. With JRNY, you can also connect to other workout apps, including the Peloton app, Zwift, and others, straight from your smartphone or smart TV. This bike also comes with an adjustable media rack that can hold any smartphone or tablet. You can also enjoy the built-in Bluetooth speakers to listen to your music as you exercise. This is a new level of flexibility that even the Peloton does not offer.
5. Who’s The Bike For?
Although this bike’s advanced technology is designed for more experienced riders, beginners can keep it stationary before advancing to the more intense lean mode. The lean mode is ideal for experienced riders who want to push themselves harder than what they get from a stationary bike. The lean mode provides a whole-body experience that produces an exhausting and thrilling workout.
If you want to feel a more realistic and thrilling riding experience at home, get the VeloCore. This bike provides you with an excellent and exciting way to pedal your way to health. Bowflex VeloCore is also a fantastic addition to the connected home cycle world.