
Published on November 25th, 2020 | by Bibhuranjan


5 New Awesome Strategies to Advertise CBD Oil

CBD oil has been quite the hot commodity for some time now. That is not surprising at all, given the numerous health benefits of CBD and how it impact your everyday life.

Nowadays, CBD oil is practically everywhere, from CBD boutiques, restaurants and cafes with CBD products, and online CBD sellers. In fact, the booming CBD industry shows no signs of slowing down. The CBD market is reportedly expected to be worth a tremendous 938.9 million dollars by 2027.

With all this optimism surrounding the CBD industry, it’s natural for both consumers and business people alike to get curious about the product. If you’re a consumer, you might wonder what the hype is really all about and try the product out and realize how beneficial it can be. On the other hand, an entrepreneur might view CBD to be the next big thing and invest in the already lucrative industry.

It is indeed enticing to try to get a piece of the huge CBD industry pie, and it almost seems too easy to set up a CBD business and profit. However, this also gives rise to stiff competition within the market. Nevertheless, a well-run CBD business is bound to bring in heaps of cash, if you manage to rise above the competition.

This is where marketing savvy plays a huge role. To have a truly profitable CBD oil enterprise, a business should advertise strategically and make sure that it reaches as wide an audience as possible. With the technology we have now, there are a variety of ways to market your product. Here are 5 strategies to advertise CBD products.

1. Podcast Ads

Podcasts have become a modern-day entertainment staple. These days, podcasts are a great way to pass the time or to put some relevant background noise to everyday activities. There’s a podcast for virtually any topic under the sun which gives advertisers diverse audiences to market their product to.

Some people even make it a point to religiously listen to their favorite podcast and spend a lot of their time listening to other people talk, and they put great value on what their favorite podcast hosts talk about. Because of this, there’s a lot of potential in advertising through podcasts.

Whether you want to target a wide market by partnering with entertainment podcasts or looking to address a niche market through specific topic-based podcasts, you can’t go wrong with letting your product be known through the virtual airwaves. Plus, forging partnerships with public figures is always a good thing for your brand.

2. Organic Social Media Marketing

While restrictions in social media sites regarding CBD advertising are still a gray area, that shouldn’t stop you from taking advantage of the prevalence of social media in everyday life. It’s virtually the most common pastime for people around the world.

People from all sorts of background practically make it part of their everyday routine to hop on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, or other social media sites and getting your name out there even without traditional advertising is easy. Creating a page is simple enough, and with a solid network of connections, you can let your business and product be known through the grapevine.

If you feel like your personal connections are not enough, you can easily join interest groups in Facebook and follow like-minded people who also have a liking to CBD. Through this, you can form your own network of potential customers, as long as you keep them engaged with entertaining content.

3. SEO & Content Marketing

In line with advertising organically through social media, you can also catch the attention of your audience through appealing online content such as articles, eBooks, and guides. It’s important to incorporate Search Engine Optimization (SEO) with your content, to make sure that audiences can see you pop up whenever they search for anything CBD-related.

With SEO content, you can instantly increase your visibility and increase your chances to attract future customers. A simple search can introduce someone to your brand and if your content is engaging enough, it’s likely that they come back for more and see what your business is all about.

4. Video Marketing

If you want to engage with as much people as possible, you have to diversify your content. Video marketing is an excellent way of making your product known. In the age of the internet, a huge number of people spend their time watching random videos online and even share these videos with their friends and personal networks.

Although creating video content is indeed more cumbersome than the relatively simple SEO content, putting in the effort will definitely set you apart from the competition. Uniqueness always leaves a lasting mark on the audience. Get creative with your content and make sure that it resonates with other people and your business will surely flourish.

5. Influencer Marketing

Marketing these days requires businesses to get on with the times, and a worldwide phenomenon that we have been witnessing as the internet invades everyday life is the rise of influencers. Becoming an influencer has become a legitimate career option for today’s youth and we’re seeing them take over the online world with their massive followings.

Getting in touch with influencers is much like shooting a commercial with a celebrity to advertise your product, except this time, you don’t have to go through the tedious production process. You just simply place your product in an influencer’s hands and have them post it on their social media, and wait for the internet to do its magic. You’ll have customers in no time.

Image by Erin Stone from Pixabay

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Editorial Officer, I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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