10 Elements of A Good E-Book
There was a time when we used to go the library to read books and increase our knowledge or go to the bookshop to buy the latest Harry Potter book in the series or any book in general. In this world of technological advancement, if you cannot access the libraries or your favorite bookstores, then look out for the e-books of your respective subject and area of interest. You can buy your books online now and start reading right away. People put so interesting content on e-books which can be easily found and read. If you want to create your own e-book visit this e-book maker. But what makes a good book. What do good books have that bad one don’t?
Here are 10 elements, which will make your e-book sell like hotcakes
Impactful Title
The total number of e-books sold in 2017 were 266 million. So there will be a lot of e-books already similar to the one which you are going to write, so to distinguish yourself from the competition you need a title that is powerful. A title that is concise and describes what you want to communicate through this book. For example, you have a sports store, and you want all the locals to buy their sports accessories from you, so you decide to publish an e-book. The good title for this book will ‘How to find high-quality sports goods on a budget’.
Awesome cover
A great cover that will attract the reader is one of the most important things in an e-book. There is a common saying ‘Do not judge a book by its cover’ in the case of an e-book that just goes out of the window. You need a book cover that is colorful, with your logo on it and with great pictures. Graphic designing should also be great and not look cheap.
The author page
About the author page is important in selling yourself. It is a great way to introduce yourself to the audience and who you are and what you do. The people love to read something new and original, so they would like reading about you.
If your book is great and enjoyable, then people would want to read it again. The readers might want to skim some pages and go to that part which has some information or which they liked. Therefore, for that, the index is very helpful as they can directly go that page. It can be frustrating going through the pages to find what you are looking, but an index or table of contents page can make things easy.
Quality content
Content is the meat of the book, so it has to be of remarkable and outstanding. Your content will sell the e-book. The excellent your content is the more books you will sell. If the content is not great, enjoyable, and of high quality, then the readers will not buy it and stop doing business with you. They will stop visiting your site. So focus on content so that they read the whole book and come back to you for more.
Length of book
The length of the book has always been one of the basic elements of a good book. However, it totally depends upon the reader, and he or she perceives a book. Some readers love to read a long fictional story based books. On the other hand, some love only the essence of the message and wants the book-length to be short.
Use data and stats
Data and statistics are vitally important to back up what you are trying to tell the readers. It will lend credibility to your case. You want the readers to be satisfied and not question you. Using data and statistics from reliable sources will help you in developing a connection with the readers so that they trust your judgement. This will show in them showing faith in your product and future sale calls as well.
Use keywords
Optimize the book by using keywords. Search engine optimization can help in the promotion of your book. List down the keywords and use them in your text so that when anyone types them in any search engine, it pop-ups. This will help in the lead search. People may download your book and then later contact you. Optimization will let the world know that you are out there and a viable option for their needs going forward.
Charts and Graphics
People best understand when you show them something. Huge blocks of texts can seem boring to the reader so to make it interesting, add charts to prove your point. Make good graphs so that the reader can understand the data and statistics you mentioned in the book. Do not just put charts just for the sake of it make it look stylish and eye-catching. Graphics or photos can also help in the aspect of proving something to the readers. For example, if you want to show that some types of wood are bad for the cricket bat to show them what happens if you use those materials. This will add a lot more weight to your argument.
Links and social media sharing buttons
You must have other content like blogs and articles or maybe other e-book so drive the readers towards it by providing them with links. You can link at every opportunity throughout the e-book. You can even link to your services pages so that you can get readers on the phone. Similarly, you can put social media sharing buttons at the bottom of each page. If your book is ringing a bell with the reader, he might share it. You never know maybe one of the sentences in the book explode and become viral. It was found that 34% of 18 to 29-year-olds said that they read at least one e-book in 2018. So put Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter or any other platform you use.
E-books are becoming popular day by day and are a great way to promote yourself and your brand. The elements mentioned above are a sure-fire way to make your e-book a great and interesting read. A good e-book of any type will always engage the reader. In addition to that, the e-book provides easy access to the reader and it can be easily carried in your pocket during your travels as well. If it is successful, maybe you will enjoy it and write a few more.