How To Identify If A Store Is Running On Shopify?
Do you want to know if a store is using Shopify or not?
Well, here’s how!
When you visit a store that inspires you or gives you new ideas, you only get two things in mind first. Firstly, which platform is the store using and secondly, which theme is being used in this store.
After all, who does not want to be updated with the latest trends in e-commerce and apply them to their online entities.
There are numerous ways through which you can identify the platform being used on an e-commerce store. Some of these traits are pretty straightforward (for example, the Shopify admin panel to log in to Shopify while some may require the installation of some tools.
But one thing common among all of them is that they all work. Let us start with the first method then.
With the help of Extensions
There are some extensions namely BuiltWith and Wappalyzer which are used for detecting the technologies used in ecommerce development services while browsing it. Surprisingly, they also detect the platform on which the website is running.
They also provide numerous other analytics and helpful information as well.
By using the Shopify App/ Theme detector
There is a handy tool available to detect if a website is running on Shopify or not. If yes, then what theme is it using? All these things are determined with the help of this tool. There is an extension available for this tool which you can download from the chrome web store.
By navigating to Admin Panel
When the shop owners want to log in to their shopify search app store they visit their respective admin panels first. The admin panel is pretty straightforward to access and identify. To determine if a store is using Shopify or not, you need to find that admin panel that is being used to sign in for Shopify. You can do this by adding a /admin in the URL and see if it works.
By using inspect element
Don’t confuse it with a thing for coders and programmers. You might have clicked on “inspect element” either by mistake or for some known work. For those who don’t know, it is a console that shows all the HTML, CSS, and Java codes that are running on a web page. The good thing is that you can use this feature for determining if a store is using Shopify or not. For checking, first, open up the console hitting the F12 key and beside you will see an input field. Write “Shopify Theme” in that field and hit enter. IF you get a result then now you not only know that a store is using Shopify but also the name of the theme installed.
With basic ideology
Do you know what is common between all Shopify stores? Well, they all have similar URLs. As we discussed that shop owners have a straightforward URL to sign in for Shopify. Similarly, they have a set of URLs such as “/products/<name of the product>/cart and a similar structure for /collections. If you find such a structure in the website while navigating it then you know it’s built on Shopify.
By using the checkout page
One fascinating thing that not many know about Shopify is that the Checkout process discloses if a store is using Shopify or not. All you need to do is visit the store, add an item to the cart and then proceed to checkout. The URL at the checkout point will disclose if the store is using Shopify or not. How? Check if the URL is a subdomain of
There are other tools available for this purpose too. Here is a list of tools and plug-in that can help you to determine if a store is using Shopify or not without any hassle or efforts:
- Whatruns
- SimilarTech
- Wappalyzer
- WebSpotter
These have both web applications as well as extension based service that you can use. You just need to visit the website and the rest will be done automatically.
Bottom Line
We all want to be ahead in the competition and that’s possible only by knowing more about the enemy. The same thing implies to e-commerce too. That was all about determining if a store is running on Shopify or not. If you are in search of a webshop builder, then LiquidBlox has something just for you.