7 SEO trends for 2019
Google is becoming smarter, understands what content is relevant, responds to much more specific questions and advances to aspects such as voice search.
With the year just started, we will analyze 7 of the most important SEO trends that are expected for this 2019:
1. Mobile First
The mobile phone has become the main protagonist of the use of Internet throughout the world. According to the annual report “Digital in 2018” of Hootsuite, in Spain the use of mobile devices has increased by 5% and 35.8 million users in our country connect to the Internet through their mobile phone.
For this reason, the adaptation of web pages to their mobile version is one of the aspects to which Google is giving greater importance. In March of last year Google announced, after many recommendations, the Mobile-First Index Roll-out , by which the search engine gives priority to web pages that are adapted for the mobile version . This implies that, if there are two brands that are competing for a keyword and claiming to provide professional SEO services in India then one of them has a responsive version and the other does not, the one that is adapted to mobile browsing will appear above. In such a competitive environment, something relatively simple such as creating an adapted page is essential so that the competition does not appear above.
In the following link you can check if your website is mobile-friendly: https://search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly
2. Your brand positions
The importance of positioning your brand is one of the most notable trends for 2019. Gary Illes, Standup Trends Analyst at Google, he said in a conference that the Page Rank remains one of the main factors for positioning in Google. The main search engine in our country analyzes all the references and links that the brand receives, taking into account the trust and reputation of those mentions. This helps Google “reward” a brand, putting it in a better position. In fact, Google will also consider mentions to the brand, even if they do not include a link to the website.
On the other hand, even if a good brand positioning is achieved, positive results will not be achieved if two positions below is a brand recognized by users. These will end up by clicking on the known brand. For this reason, it is essential to improve the reputation of the brand, thus getting the public to know it. In addition to working on backlinks as indicated above, you can support the strategy with display campaigns or social ads, helping users quickly recognize a brand.
3. Search by voice
The search by voice begins to be part of our day to day. Saying “Hey Siri” or “Ok Google” to search the Internet is becoming an increasingly common behavior. The revolution of voice search devices (Apple’s Siri, Google Assistant, Amazon’s Alexa or Microsoft’s Cortana) can bring a new stage in the world of search, generating a total change. Most likely, the voice search will be the most important trend in positioning in 2019. The comScore research company estimates that in 2020 50% of searches will be by voice and your brand has to be well positioned when that time comes.
Below, we offer three basic tips for voice search positioning:
- Focus on the optimization of conversational keywords and with a language adapted to oral expression.
- Answer questions in the most specific way possible. Google seeks to respond as quickly as possible to its users, therefore, we must be very specific.
- Use the highlighted excerpts to answer user questions. A short paragraph is sufficient and a large part of the answers from the voice search devices will be extracted from this fragment.
4. Quality content
One of Google’s priorities has always been the quality of the content and the update of the algorithm in 2018 continues to prove it. If you want your page to be well positioned, you will have to create quality content, using long-lasting keywords, related to the theme of the brand and structuring the content in an appropriate manner. In addition, it is essential to take into account who is the consumer of your brand to create a personalized and appropriate content for him.
5. Video
90% of the information the brain receives is visual. In addition, several studies have shown that video advertising captures much more attention from users. If this were not enough, according to a study by Hubspot, more than 80% of brands are already marketing through video. These data are another indication that video is increasingly important in the marketing strategy of companies.
In this sense, YouTube is still the main actor within the platforms to upload videos. For this reason, it is essential to develop a good SEO positioning strategy with the help of Brisbane SEO Consultant on YouTube.
Here are some tips to keep in mind to start positioning your brand on any video platform:
- Define the keywords appropriately
- Know the audience well and publish videos that add value
- Choose the title and description of the videos well
- Take care of the appearance and design of the channel
- Create playlists
- Use the right labels
- Share videos on other channels, such as social networks
6. Amazon
When you think about SEO, Google is the first thing that comes to mind. It is logical, SEO and Google have always been totally linked. However, there are many more platforms that have their own search engines. Facebook, Twitter or Instagram are some examples, but a massive search engine that many people use every day to make their purchases is Amazon.
Therefore, it is essential that companies begin to assess a good SEO strategy for the e-commerce giant. Doing SEO for a marketplace like Amazon is not exactly the same as in Google. In addition to looking for the best keywords to position the business, you also have to take care of other aspects, such as customer ratings, sales volume, price or quality of the images that accompany the product.
7. Security
More than 80% of Internet users confess that they would leave a website if they do not have a security certificate. If the potential users of your brand do not see your site as a secure page, they will stop navigating through it, also getting confidence in the brand diminished. To this it is added that Google, already in 2014, decided to give a lot of importance to the security of the portals. Such is the case that currently the pages that use the https protocol and the SSL security certificate appear in the top positions in the Page Rank, while those that do not have the protocol are penalized in terms of positioning. Getting Google does not penalize for this reason is very simple. All you have to do is obtain the SSL certificate for your domain, showing that the website is secure and that the transmission of data between the server and the user is encrypted.
These are some of the main trends in SEO for 2019, although there are others that should not be overlooked, such as the generation of trust and authority, user experience, technical SEO or application positioning (ASO) in the various application distribution platforms for mobile devices.
Author bio:
I am Arslan Riaz founder of the xitepod.com also expert’s writer and blogger, as knowing about animation and having more than 4 years of the incident. Also, writing for Dzone, Tgdaily, Webdesign etc..