Role of Technology In Your Online Business Growth
Think of these brands:
- Airbnb
- Amazon
- Alibaba
- Salesforce
They did not exist a decade ago. In fact, the technologies that power these companies did not even exist. The smartphone, cloud connectivity, mobile, eCommerce are all products of our modern digitized society.
These technologies have changed the way people communicate and businesses transact.
If a business is to launch today, the first thing in their agenda is to find a suitable technology. Business plan, capital, and resources are no longer the priority of business. To be more precise, most businesses are now technological companies that are functioning in diverse industry verticals.
That said, it is crystal clear that technology plays a transformational role in business growth. It creates a business from nothing and also graces to dust businesses that do not want to adapt to changing times.
So let us take a look at technological advancements that are putting companies on the fast lanes to success. From garage businesses to IPOs, these are the technologies that do the impossible.
Social Media
Social media is probably the most influence in our digital world. People do not send postcards to each other. Businesses do not have cold call customers. They use social media and its expansive reach to reach customers. Social media is also doubling up as a standard platform for customers to shout out their opinions about products, services, brands and their customer treatment.
Social media websites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc. help businesses reach out to their customers with greater accuracy and relevance than conventional marketing tactics. In fact, they are considered to be the biggest repositories of customer information and behavior that no amount of market study or analysis can replace.
High-end Security
When the Internet became more popular than the telephone, there was one thing that nagged most users. How secure is this virtual world? A lion share of the population of net users was worried as to how secure and protected was their private information hosted online?
Without much delay, the assault of viruses, worms, malware, spyware and another host of disturbing cyber activity also happened. Online hacking became a serious threat to the entire web community. Thus came to the scene SSL certificate – Read More. SSL certificates are bite-sized files that encrypt and decrypt information exchanged between a web browser and server. It ensures that no third party or unauthorized user can hack into the data that is being exchanged online. SSL certificate from Thawte and GeoTrust offered high-end data transmission security and provided safe and trust factors without compromising any security loopholes.
Chat Support
Until the Internet came in and took away dial up networks, toll-free numbers were the only resort for customer grievances. They were slow, inefficient and highly unreliable. Businesses lost a sizeable share of their clients because they were not able to connect and interact with their customers on a real-time basis.
But, Internet and chat based support systems changed all that. Customers can reach to remote customer assistance executives almost anytime the day of the night to resolve their customer’s queries.
In fact, a study by Zendesk has found that “44% of clients said that having a live chat specialist available during an online purchase was one of the most important features a company can offer”.
Website Analytics
With tons of data came the need to analyze, understand it and use it for business betterment. Analytics in before in the pre-Internet era was a task that only scientists at NASA used. With the coming of the Internet, every business that has a website has ventured into analytics.
Web analytic tools like Crazy Egg, Google Analytics, etc. only add to the easiness of knowing where your website visitors come from, which part of the website they spend most of the time, which CTAs make them click and much more.
Advanced website analytics also help website owners to profile their visitors enabling to further personalize the website experience in a detailed manner.
CMS (Content Management System)
CMS platforms are another set of online tools that grew the Internet as we know it today. Content Management Systems like WordPress, Blogger, etc. gave the common man the power to build and launch their websites for a variety of purposes including eCommerce, video sharing, news and media and many others.
They also spun out a whole new business possibilities stemmed on affiliate marketing, networking, advertising, etc. CMS platforms are now counted upon as the pillars upon which the web of Internet is built upon.
Mobile Application
When Steve Jobs introduced the iPhone and iTunes, the world of mobility changed once and for
It brought around a complete paradigm shift in how software applications were procured, used and distributed around the world. In fact, the whole ecosystem of smartphones has grown so large with the growth of mobile applications and their platforms.
Enterprise mobility has branched out as a whole section of mobile apps designed exclusively for enterprises with heavy application requirements. Companies like Microsoft, Intel, IBM, etc. have launched exclusive platforms for mobile application for enterprise use.
Drawing Conclusion
The role of technology in business expansion is indescribable. If you are reading this post, it is to technology that we owe thanks for setting the platform. From businesses to individuals and social services, everywhere technology is omnipresent.
It holds within its fold the power to bring together people from two corners of the world who are separated from each other by the distance. It can bridge an instant connection between two people in two different continents on a real-time basis and thus put businesses productivity, efficiency and much more on a fast lane.
The power of technology does not end there. Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Big Data, etc. will add further momentum to business growth and expansion. As a by result, it will also push mankind to the next stage of evolution where living will free of most of the vices that are present today.