Future Pandemics [Infographic]
With all the technology & developments happening around we still are living in a vulnerable world, where we can fall prey of a pandemic at any moment, while we are at office working, kids playing at playground, or at a family gathering enjoying a supper.
Pandemic is not an infection or disease affecting just a bunch of people or a city but a global disease outbreak which can kill around 80 and 90 million people at a time and we will not have an iota of information to curb it in time. These can be airborne or waterborne, and can be transmitted through environmental factors, birds, animals or directly through humans.
Scientists all over the world are working on conjectural conditions & circumstances depending on the geographical exposures & susceptibility, to create a vaccine & defence plan to fight the monster future pandemic.
World Health Organisation also recommend not to ignore any future forecasts of Pandemic and be heedful to any symptoms of persistent fever, flu, medical conditions etc.
Here is an infographic which depicts some plausible pandemic diseases that can affect us in the future and advise on how we can be prepared to fight against the micro-organisms & their proliferations into the living world.