A quick guide to App Marketing strategies
Coming up with a great idea for an app is hard enough; developing it to a point where it is ready to release is even harder. But all of that work could go to waste if you do not have a strong app marketing strategy. Use this quick guide to figure out what you need to do to get people downloading your app – and to monetise it so that it all pays off.
Build a mailing list
When launching any kind of product or service, one of the best starts is to build a mailing list. For an app, it’s easy to do this. You need a simple website with a landing page which asks visitors to enter their email address. Let them know that they will be the first to find out about the launch of the app. If you can, offer them something exclusive, like a reduced download price or the chance to reserve their username early. Use social media, guest posts on blogs, existing customer lists, and anything else at your disposal to build buzz. Encourage early sign-up so that you have customers waiting when you launch.
Have the right name
One thing your app absolutely needs to market well is the right name. It needs to let your customers know what to expect, in at least some small way. For example, you wouldn’t build an app which was a twist on the popular card game Spider Solitaire and then call it Lots of Fish. That makes it sound like a dating app, or at the very least, a fishing game. A play on the name Spider Solitaire would be more appropriate. You can try market research for your name simply by saying it to people. What do they think the app will be about? If they are right, you have hit the name on the head. If they are a million miles off, you need to get back to the drawing board.
Do you have any other apps already on the market? Do you have other products? Is your app accessible as a website too, or as an embed within a website? Do you have social media pages for another aspect of your business? If you answered yes to any of these, then you have an opportunity to cross-promote. Use the examples we listed as places to promote your new up-and-coming app. When it launches, you can promote those places back. For example, ask your players to like your Facebook page, or check out your other downloads. This has the added benefit of growing your following ready for next time you want to launch something!
Create viral sharing
You need to get people to share your app, to share it often, and to share it with their friends and family in a way that can’t be easily ignored. So how do you do this? One of the easiest ways is to offer in-app rewards if you connect with others that you know, although this can be a turn-off for users who wish to keep their app private. Make it possible for users to share their in-app achievements, as they are more likely to want to do this. The more content from the app is shared, the more likely it is that others will download it.
Marketing isn’t easy, and you will need to continue running that machine for a long time after launch. But getting it right at launch is all-essential if you are going to get those early good reviews and see your app rise up the charts!
About the author:
Joan is an Assistant Manager at Bank-Opening-Times.co.uk, a curious individual, avid reader and a passionate creative writer.