5 Popular Home Theater Trends
Gone are the days when the home theater concept was a luxury of only the rich; if you have a spare entertainment room, you can easily turn it into one. In fact, the entire idea of a home theater has been advancing over the years and new trends have been introduced; so we’ve gathered a couple for your convenience.
4K with HDR
Doubtlessly, you’ve heard of this modern technology; as a matter of fact, it is so awesome, that some are beginning to wonder whether there’s a need for adding more numbers to the letter “K”. Essentially, there’s two things that you need to be aware of when it comes to 4K television.
The first one is that these TVs are downright spectacular – they deliver four times the 1080p resolution, meaning that you get more than 8 million pixels per inch, instead of two million.
Secondly, this is the perfect moment to invest into a quality TV set, due to the rapidly falling prices.
Ultimate Remotes
The age of the popular universal remote is coming to an end, but we’re not too sad to see this device go. For what seems like ages, we’ve gotten used to using a single piece of technology to control the television, but also the cable/satellite box, speakers and so on, but the universal remotes have come to stay. They are not only easier to program, but are also able to perform a multitude of functions. By means of “macros”, one button can be assigned to activate or deactivate multiple components at once and even with actions such as Play, Pause, etc.
Hybrid Space
So, what defines a home theater? Well, regardless of what you want to call it, a media room, a game room, a family center, one thing’s for certain – without a sound system and a quality display device, you might as well stay in your living room. In fact, unless you are really crazy about the whole dedicated, traditional home theater look, perhaps you’ll like a more of a “hybrid” approach. This means that you can incorporate more traditional furniture, such as sofas and couches, rather than arranging the seating order to the like of a typical cinema. So why is this trend popular? Well, although people still very much find the idea of a theatre at home rather lucrative, some prefer not to limit the room’s use to this extent; hence, the hybrid space. Let’s face it, you are probably not experienced enough in arranging components, so if you need your media room installed from scratch, think about giving experts like AV Clarity a call!
Sticking to Floorstanding Speakers
Sure, in-wall speakers make for a much cozier feeling inside a home theatre, but there are better ways to satisfy your inner audiophile. This is the exact reason why floorstanding speakers are going through a revival – they simply produce the clearest audio, seeing as how their boxes are devised with the best auditory experience in mind; this means that they will likely do a better job than your wall. Your Home Cinema Installation expert will be able to best determine, the position of the speakers for an immersive experience.
Internet Streaming
This one is more of an honorable mention; not because it barely meets the modern home theater trends, but exactly because internet streaming inside a media room simply goes without saying. Why? Well, using your DVD player to watch movies and re-watch favorite shows is one thing, but catching your favorite program on Netflix and being able to browse on the best screen within your home is not something you want to miss out on!
Now is the perfect time to make your media room wishes come true – the 4K technology is becoming cheaper by the minute, the trends are becoming looser and the whole technology in general has advanced tremendously!
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