5 Secrets About Netflix That You Probably Didn’t Know
One of the most outstanding things we’ve seen over the decades is how far technology has come in facilitating how people look for their means of entertainment. From the good old days of renting VCR tapes; to DVD’s, up until now where you’re able to stream your favorite movies and TV shows from the Internet, technology has played a key role in making everything convenient to anyone who is looking to enjoy a good flick. One company that has rode on the continuously changing tide of technology as it evolved over the years is Netflix; one of the most popular entertainment giants the world has ever seen. Judging by the unwavering loyalty of millions across the world who depend on it for top quality movies and the latest TV shows, we’re sure you’ll find our list of 5 Netflix secrets you might or might not know about, very interesting.

5 Netflix Facts You Probably Aren’t Aware Of
Here’s your list of 5 unknown facts about Netflix:
Netflix Content Control
Despite the fact that Netflix is a global streaming service, you might have noticed that the type of content you access differs from the type that is made available in a region like the US, where the company is headquartered. This is because it’s American subscribers are given priority to stream the latest content as soon as it is released. Users who try to stream American Netflix from Mexico, Germany, UK, Australia or Canada stumble upon a Netflix proxy error that leaves them both frustrated and disappointed. Users who want to unblock US Netflix regardless of wherever they are should get more info about how to bypass a Netflix proxy error here.
Netflix Warehouses
Ever wondered where Netflix keep their movies? Its kept as a highly guarded secret especially now that they’re venturing towards producing their own movies and TV shows. This is because the disks possessed by the company are quite expensive and so the company cannot afford to lose them under any condition during transit.
Reed Hastings and Blockbuster
If you’ve never heard of the name before, Reed Hastings is the guy who came up with Netflix, and he did so after being charged $40 by Blockbuster as a late fee for his movie rental back in 1997. This is the one ‘disservice’ that fuelled Hastings to set up Netflix, and of course, unlike Blockbuster, he was wise enough to ensure that Netflix could accept debit cards.
Anti Privacy Policy
The guys at Netflix do a lot to try and keep piracy networks from stealing their content. This explains why you won’t find Netflix on P2P sites or VPN apps from time to time. Illegal downloads is one aspect of their business that they’re very keen on keeping under control.
Sworn to Secrecy
Most employees who work for Netflix probably know where the warehouses are located; but due to the binding nature of a non-disclosure agreement they’re made to sign, nobody will give you even a hint about where these warehouses are found.
Conclusion on 5 Netflix Secrets You Probably Didn’t Know About
We hope that you’ve learnt a thing or two about your favourite streaming service by now, and that you’ll be looking forward to the new additions they’re going to include in their vast collection of movies and TV shows in 2017. If you have a fun fact or two about Netflix that we might’ve missed, feel free to mention it as a comment in the section down below. We’d love to hear from you.