
Published on December 23rd, 2016 | by Guest


Tips to Help with Amazon Keyword Research and Implementation

Whether you just want to sell books or branded products, when it comes to Amazon, it is imperative that you spend some time in keyword research. This is especially important when you consider the simple fact that the competition on Amazon is steep and it is up to you to stand out if you want to make it big. This post discusses some of the best tips you can use in keyword research for Amazon.

Target SEO to your Audience

There are so many search engines out there. Do not just focus on SEO for Google. Different search engines demand different things. What may work swimmingly for Google or Yahoo may not work for Amazon. This is why when working on SEO for amazon, you have to focus primarily on the specific audience. Unlike other search engines, when it comes to Amazon, you have to be more detailed.

Understand your audience

The best tip you can get when it comes to marketing on Amazon is to know what your audiences on Amazon are searching for. Putting together general keywords is easy. You just need to compile a list of keywords that are relevant to your products. However, when it comes to compiling keywords for Amazon, you have to understand your audience and predict what they might be searching for. This will enable you to pick the keywords that will best match your products. In Amazon keyword research, you need to focus more on the long-tail keywords. For example, instead of just using ‘DVD as a keyword, be more specific and use such keywords like ‘Blue-Ray’ or ‘Kindle Fire HD’. Instead of just using books, use ‘first edition books’.

Adhere to the SEO Structure of Amazon

In your research, you have to stick to the SEO structure that is specified by Amazon. Amazon has a unique way that sellers have to fill in their information. You need to follow the instructions keenly. When you come to think of it, the Amazon SEO requirements are much easier than formulating search engine optimization for Google. The goal of Amazon is to ensure you use specific words and phrases that lead to conversions since their aim is to sell products.

Create unique copies

Getting the keywords you need for Amazon is one thing. The next most important thing you have to do is to compile unique copies. You have to be creative in how you craft your content. Don’t just copy-and-paste content from other sites. In order for you to convert hits, you have to write a copy that is unique and one that communicates directly to your target audience. You need to show consumers how your product will improve their life.

Fill all the fields

In all that you do, you have to fill in as much information as is needed. Don’t leave fields blank. Empty fields means the shopper will have to take a risk. This may lead to high bounce rates.

When it comes to Amazon, you must never just publish your content. You need to do some research to identify the right keywords and create copies that compel shoppers to take action.


Author Bio:

Chris Dunne is a marketing executive at RepricerExpress. He has a passion for everything digital. He particularly endorses Amazon keyword research for all marketers. You can find him on LinkedIn.

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