3 Alternative WordPress Uses to Know About
The market solutions for the Web based on WordPress is huge. If you want a different layout for your website, there are numerous free and paid themes. Do you need different features that go beyond the creation of pages and a blog? Rest assured, there are many plugins that run as modules and bring new features.
Well, so we can create a blog and a website with WordPress. But it is such a flexible tool that it can be used for much more than that. Currently, the greatest example of this versatility is in the area of e-commerce, but there are several others. Let’s meet three of them.
Social Network
By default, WordPress comes with a user registration system, but there are plugins that make it a system where it is possible for these users to interact with each other. BudyPress is the most used plugin for this, where a closed social network can be created.
This type of functionality can be used to create, for example, an internal communication network for a company. Each employee can have their own profile, join certain groups within the company, discuss projects and share documents with other coworkers.
Job Board
Again with the help of a particular plugin, WordPress can be turned into a fully functional job board – for example, this can be used by a company to promote job vacancies, or by a municipality to collect all the job offers in the area. With the WordPress Job Board plugin, this can be done rather easily.
It works with any theme, has an easy installation process and links to other services (such as PayPal, Stripe and more) with no hiccups. In addition, this plugin comes with its own SEO and social media features, as well as a easy to use drag and drop editor. It also features a powerful support structure, with over 40 pages of documentation and constant email support.
Project Manager
Thanks to the versatility of WordPress, its resources can be leveraged to create a project manager. There are some plugins available for that goal, that transform WordPress into a standard project manager. A great example of this is Frito-Lay’s custom project management app, which is built on WordPress.