
Published on March 3rd, 2016 | by Guest


Online Activity Your Tech-Savvy Kids Will Adore

With your kids the product of the twenty-first century, their toy chest and the treasure within must be upgraded to meet their digital demands. Giving your tech-savvy kids toys and activities that will be a familiar thing, they will not only have fun, but reap some educational benefits as well. Satisfying their passion, you might want to check out these great suggestions.

App It Up

Osmo iPad is a tablet especially designed for kids, providing them a child-friendly way to explore the web. It gives kids a chance to learn online both at home, and in the classroom. Osmo iPad is a touchscreen tablet, with built-in safety features enabling a secure access for your kids. The versatility of this gadget is best viewed with the numerous amazing apps it provides for fun, and educational purposes. The gadget can be password protected, letting adults be the one who will install apps, change settings, or search for updates. Osmo’s Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi connectivity means it can also be connected to other tech in and around the home.

Osmo iPad

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Build Your Own Computer

Without computers, the internet would have never been created. To get your children interested in the history of technology give them the ultimate history lesson – Kano’s DIY Computer Kit. This ingenious is the ultimate early computer engineering set that allows children to create their own computer from scratch. The instructions included in the box will help your kids connect and assemble their new toy. Once they have powered up the computer they can start coding. Their DIY computer has complete connectivity to other devices, and the web, turning itself into their first, hand-made online exploration platform.

Games that Boost Development

Video games are an ample source of fun, and entertainment for any child. And while some games provide violence, and can inspire aggression, parents need to choose games that are both attractive, familiar, and aid kids’ development. Transcending tradition with an online platform, cool online Sudoku games, online singing lessons, cross-word puzzles, and chess impact children’s cognitive abilities. These games can inspire kids to develop logical thinking, pattern recognition, and creativity. And since these timeless classics are known to parents, the entire family can join in, and enjoy some healthy competition.

Games that Boost Development

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A Creative Tech Opportunity

littleBits Electronics Kit is the perfect DIY toy for your future techy electronics wiz. The toy allows children to play around with circuits to create basic everything from basic synthesizers, to even remote controlled devices. The mounting boards on which the circuits are connected have magnets, allowing them to be easily attached to other toys, such as Lego’s, creating an array of opportunity during play time. Instructions inside the box will guide your children on its way to creating new digitized toys as the techy addition to their toy chest.

Musical Gadgets

Your tech-savvy child adores gadgets, but he or she also might want to awaken their musical side. For that future rock star, YouRock Midi guitar might be their first step into fame. The instrument connects to a Wi-Fi source to allow your child both to learn, play and compose. The guitar can also be used as a controller for Rock Band, or Guitar Hero, and with the headphones plugged in they will never disturb the peace. And for that pop icon, or lead singer, iKaraoke allows for singing more than just under the shower. The gadget connects to a USB stick, or YouTube, and silences your kids’ favorite songs, allowing them to explore their vocal abilities.

Considering these great toys you will satisfy your child’s thirst to technology, interests, and provide them with an ample source of education, and entertainment. With all that, and much more, these activities are a sure way to put a smile on your tech-savvy kids.


Author Bio:

sophia smith for bio

Sophia Smith is a freelance writer and graphic designer from Brisbane, Australia with huge interest in photography and DIY projects. She could be described as beauty addict and life lover. Sophia loves sharing meaningful content that inspires people. She is regular contributor at High Style Life.

Find her on: Twitter and Google+

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