
Published on November 13th, 2019 | by Sunit Nandi


7 Ways To Use Twitter Analytics to Improve Your Engagement

Twitter may not be as big as Facebook or Instagram but it has over 100 million users who are avidly on the platform on a daily basis. Unlike Instagram and Facebook, twitter is a fast-paced platform where you can post hourly with no one getting upset that you are clogging their feed, but how can you maximise your time on twitter and improve your engagement levels?

Thankfully, twitter has an analytics pack that can help you do just that.

Audience Insights

Audience insight dashboard is an excellent way to find out what your audience are interested in. Knowing your audience and your target market are key ways of improving your engagement as you will be able to understand their interests. You can look through demographic features such as interests, occupation, education, gender and marital status amongst others. This is a really good way to find out if your twitter following and audience actually match up to the target market you thought your business had, if it doesn’t match you can then evaluate where you are falling short and why.

Trending Data

Trending data is an excellent way of finding out what users are talking about on the platform. If you see that your target market and audience are engaging with a particular topic or conversation, you can insert yourself into that conversation as well. It is a really good way to expose your feed to other users that match your target market and key demographic.

Don’t just jump on the band wagon though, make sure you are inserting yourself into a conversation that is relevant to you and that you can actively engage in.

Follower Growth

This is the perfect place to see where your following increased over the last 30 days. It gives you a really good insight into what followers you gained and lost over this window of time, it also shows what time you gained the followers, which can help you determine what target market you are reaching when you tweet.

If you find that you aren’t reaching the audience that you want to, but are gaining in other areas, you can adjust the time that you are tweeting and see if that has an impact. You can also use this to see if you have lost any followers on particular days and then link that back to what you tweeted to make sure you don’t repeat the same mistake.


Tweet impressions show you how well each of your individual tweets had performed as well as how well your feed has performed over 28 days. You can analyse the data and work out which tweets did well and either put out something of a similar nature or copy verbatim. This also works the other way, you can see which tweets didn’t do so well and try and work out the route cause, was it the content or was it what you said?

You may find that posting your link every 10 hours reduces overall impressions over 28 days. There is so much data here that you can use to increase your following if you look for the correct data points.

Tweet Engagements

This is the drop down where you can see how many users interacted with your tweet; this is probably one of the most important tools you can have. You want people to engage with your content and by analysing what is working and not working you can make sure that you only put out high quality content. Using these tools isn’t just about finding out what is working, its understanding what didn’t work and why and then adapting it so you can increase your reach, visibility and following. You can use Tweet Hunter to schedule posts and increase your engagement (see tweethunter pricing).

Audience Location

Audience location is key when you are tweeting fresh content; you want to see where your highest engagement levels are and their locations to ensure that you are tweeting at the optimum time. There is no point in tweeting when your primary audience is either at work or asleep. Build your tweeting pattern around their most active times so that you can increase audience engagement. You also need to consider how fast paced twitter is, you have less time to impress on this platform than any other, so you want to make sure you post when your users are most active.

Events Dashboard

This is an excellent way to find out what are events are going on globally and in areas local to your primary target audience. You can create twitter campaigns off the back of these events and increase your reach and engagement level through leveraging the popularity of these events. The more involved you are in your audience interest the more willing they will be to engage with you.

Final Thoughts

The in-house analytics package that twitters offers is a fantastic way of evaluating current performance and planning your next campaign. Utilising the features that are on offer can help you to increase your engagement rate by really getting to know and understand what it is your followers like and want.

Make sure you also look at what didn’t perform well to try and understand why it didn’t and seek improvements. By understanding your audience and utilising the analytics, you can increase your engagement level and your reach to no end.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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