How to Improve Your Techie Portfolio
You’re an absolute tech genius, and you want the whole world to know. You want to prove how capable and talented you are. You want everyone to come to you with high-paying, high-prestige work. And you won’t get any of that if your portfolio does a bad job of representing you. It’s a competitive market for techie jobs, and you need to give potential clients a reason to choose you over other professionals in your industry. Even the best portfolio can use a little improvement.
Explain why you’re unique
You aren’t the only app programmer or blog designer in the world. If everyone else in your specialty looks the same, clients are simply going to gravitate toward whoever has the lowest rates. You need to establish your mastery of what you do. What do you bring to the table that others don’t? How do your offerings rival those of established individuals who do the same work that you do? Your portfolio should make your stand-out qualities clear from the beginning.
Include a ton of work samples
You don’t want to clutter your page, but you don’t want to sacrifice when it comes to showcasing your versatility. Consider dividing work samples by category. Present one or two per category, and allow users to click further through specific types of work. This will help your samples appeal to a wider variety of potential clients. They won’t be limited to one or two glimpses of work that’s similar to what they need.
Include the things employers want to know
You know what you want to be hired for. If you’ve taken on a bunch of jobs, you understand what most employers are looking for. Browse through online job boards and compile a list of common requirements and desired credentials. Make sure all of these are adequately displayed in your portfolio. No one will have to ask what your qualifications are if they’re in plain view. You’ll be an appealing candidate from the start.
Optimize the page
You need to list all of your information, but you don’t want vital details to get lost in the sea of your portfolio. Everything needs to be simple to navigate. If you have a lot to say, you can always add links to complete information at the end of small paragraphs, so individuals who are exploring your portfolio can easily access that information at their leisure. You’ll want to consider mobile optimization as well. Many people work remotely and browse the internet with their phones. You don’t want anyone to miss your major selling points because they won’t display correctly.
Provide enough contact information
Email addresses are excellent, and so are phone numbers. Many potential clients will love to get ahold of you through those avenues, but you shouldn’t limit your contact information to the mere basics. Link your professional social media profiles. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are just as valuable as a phone number or email address. Make sure it’s easy for potential clients to see this information. They’re less likely to contact you if they have to browse through your entire website to find your contact info.
However you compile your techie portfolio, the end result should be the same. You want a portfolio that screams “HIRE ME! I’M THE RIGHT PERSON FOR THE JOB!” Don’t be too modest, but always be honest. Understand your strengths and utilize them to propel you into a successful future.
Author bio:
Hannah Dickins is part of the team behind With a huge interest in writing and startup industry, she works as a Community Manager. She’s keen on new helpful online tools and productivity hacks.