6 Things your Competitors know about Cloud-Based Marketing Applications
The latest buzz in the IT market – cloud technology has spurred dramatic advancements in networking applications and information processing. A fundamental change in computing stimulated by cloud solutions is enabling professionals to treat IT infrastructure as a common base, on which they can set-up services for users swiftly and cost-efficiently by eliminating the need to revamp or perform any addition to rudimentary infrastructure.
Businesses are shrinking with rising global competition. They are drifting away from the device-centric view of computing to an infrastructure that is information-, application-, and user-centric.
Having passed the infancy phases, cloud technology has permeated into the businesses of all kinds. Marketing is one main sector that has benefitted abundantly from the cloud, as it has tremendous capacity to amplify the efficiency of marketing processes. Cloud-based services have revolutionized the marketing world in many ways.
Managing Sales Life Cycle
One of the most laborious tasks of a business is handling sales process. Depending upon the products and the industry type, sales cycle can vary between days, weeks and even several months. Handling several prospects that are in several phases of the sales process can be pretty tedious. The advent of cloud solutions is the escape to all such worries. Businesses no longer need to manage a spreadsheet to keep track of the sales cycle. Dedicated cloud-based applications such as zoho, pipelinerCRM, and salesforce can track leads and manage inventory from anywhere.
Automating Marketing Mechanics
Cloud based-services help to automate marketing processes and massively reduce the time spent on regular tasks. Some of the leading marketing automation software such as Eloqua (owned by oracle) and eTrigue enables the businesses to perform revenue performance management with ease. Business resources can be better optimized and sales cycle can be shortened with Hubspot–an inbound marketing software platform.
Enabling Flexible Access to Critical Data
Absence of immediate resolution to potential lead query may lead to loss of opportunity to improve ROI. Integration of marketing application with cloud-solution provider enables instant control over mission-critical applications. It can save businesses from falling into a tailspin. Multi-device support – the perk of cloud-based solutions offers more venues to approach customers and prospects. Worries associated with local storages or hard drives are over as files can be accessed, shared via any internet-supporting device.
Promoting Improved Marketing Strategies
Traditional doesn’t always please the audience. For the past century, outbound marketing strategies – telemarketing, trade shows, and advertising are used by professionals to push the message to the audience with a hope that it strikes the needle in the hay stick. But, the emergence of cloud technology has enabled the widespread of more effective inbound marketing phenomena. Inbound marketing strategies such as blogging, email blasts, newsletters, hot jar, social media, video tutorials have taken off exponentially.
Improving Business Website Performance
One of the best tool with easy-to-use interface – Google Analytics allows businesses to track website performance from anywhere around the globe. Visitors to any websites, blog performance, average handling time over each blog, users’ visiting pattern, location of the visitors, pages viewed, unique visitors and similar statistics can help to improve the website efficiency. All that is needed to get started is a Gmail account and an internet connection.
Enhancing Customer Engagement with Mobile Apps
Mobile cloud applications enable customers to access data and services anywhere across the globe. Study revealed by Forbes state that by 2019 globally, 90% of the overall mobile data traffic will be driven by cloud apps, in comparison to 81% achieved at the end of 2014. The emerging innovative services developing under mobile cloud computing can address the users’ growing demands satisfactorily. Also, depending upon the intricacies of users’ demands various services from different service providers can be integrated through the cloud solutions.
Cloud technology is progressing. It has successfully passed its initial stages. The number of businesses adopting cloud solutions is rising every day. Goldman Sachs forecast supports this fact stating that from 2015 to 2018 cloud infrastructure market will advance at a 19.62% CAGR, going up to $43B by 2018. The useful and innovative applications offered by cloud technology explains it well the reasons behind this rise. Time to benefit from cloud solutions is now. So, get started and explore opportunities that lie under the shelter of cloud services.
Author Bio:
Shraddha Tewari, skilled and accomplished ‘Editor’ is formally associated with RealTimeCloudServices that offers services related to QuickBooks Cloud. She possesses diverse professional experience in digital marketing. Strong interest in reading and writing about technology, cloud computing and latest software developments capacitates her with ability to develop effective and informative technology oriented content.