
Published on August 24th, 2015 | by Guest


How To Use Enterprise Messaging Apps Effectively For Conferences

Whether you’re putting in many dollars in sponsorship and a huge number of dollars in travel and registration or a huge number of dollars in sponsorship, there’s one significant component that can make your organization’s investment in an occasion go from blast to broken i.e., Poor Coordination.

How To Use Enterprise Messaging Apps Effectively For Conferences

I have got a chance to interact with many industry professionals who have great insights of the conference industry and the role of coordination in managing conferences. Though they have managed several events throughout their career, all of them weren’t equally successful. The main reason is the pre-conference coordination and communication. Hence when it comes to completing the activities in real-time, there will be moments of panic. Does any of the scenarios mentioned here are appearing similar to your experiences?

  • John is supposed to be at the site with the drape and when you wanted to contact him, you were unable to find his mobile number.

  • There is a huge crowd at the booth. All your team members just went for a coffee break.

  • You have read the email sent by a client to meet after his flight takes off.

  • The famous news journalist you have been chasing is waiting for the CEO, and you don’t have any idea where the CEO is.

  • Your flight is running late and the event set-up finishes by the time you reach the site.

Then this article is for you. Well, even others can read this article, as it will give an overview how to effectively organize conference without the hitch of poor communication.

The above-mentioned scenarios find their ways back to one huge problem that is Communication. To make it easier to communicate at a conference or event, workforce need few things: (1) a mobile-enabled tool (2) an on-demand directory (3) a smart notification that cuts through the chaos. This is where U&Me Plus can come for your rescue. Below are some of the efficient ways to use enterprise messaging apps for conferences. Read on.

Travel Information: For many organizations, optimizing the ROI on conference capital involves bringing together workforce from different places and at different times. It can turn out to be confusing and annoying to associate for event arrangement, registration, or even cocktails and dinner.

Pre, Post Conference Check-ups: As conferences involve a great deal of money, there will be a lot of pre-event and post-event coordination. We have heard about many things from the U&Me Plus users that before starting a big conference they use U&Me Plus to create group adding all the event stakeholders and communicate the while information and documents there so that is easy for everyone to access the document they want. Once the event is done, it helps in making follow-ups.

Booth Operations: In case your conference capitalization involves enrolling a sponsored area, probably you will be coordinating information with different employees. Use U&Me Plus to send updates regarding staffing schedule, important notifications and reminders. Also, as the conference shifts are very draining and long, your staff will appreciate a fast way to request a little amnesty every now and then.

Create A Real-Time User Review Board: We never imagine that U&Me Plus apps would be used in this way. But after releasing our Android App, we have got lots of feedback from the event users that it helped them a lot.

Planning Events: This is one of the best yet simplest things that can be done using U&Me Plus. The Events feature can be used to plan dinner, coffee or gatherings very effectively. All you need to do is simply decide on what event you wanted to create, decide the title of the event, invite the attendees and check who is joining with you.

Sharing Pictures, Videos: probably this is the most amazing feature that helps conference organizers to give a quick update about the site by just taking snaps and sending it to the concerned person for immediate action. Also, the video sharing features help the organizers record the important phases of event set-up for future reference. It is specifically amazing if you have had the support from the designers’ team in rendering materials, or the help the sales team to get quality leads.

Geo-locations: If you are organizing a really big event, then it may be troublesome to find where a particular person is. With the real-time location sharing, you can just trace the location and route of the person or simply just send an instant message to reach the person you need.

These are some of the best ways you can use enterprise messaging apps for conducting the conference. If you have used messaging apps in a different way to establish coordination among team members, please share with us.

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