Top Tech Solutions for Improving Your Manufacturing Business
Investing in top tech for your manufacturing business can improve multiple areas, including increasing manufacturing times as well as reducing rework. As tech progresses, it is becoming far more accurate, user-friendly, and more viable to use within a working environment. Making the average manufacturing operative more competent in their job role as well as speeding up the manufacturing process.
1. Acquiring the top tech machinery
As you will no doubt know, in order to get the best results, you are going to have to invest in the best quality machinery. Obtaining the perfect finish is paramount to keeping your customers happy and coming back for more. This is never truer than with laser cutters and engraving machines, whether you are cutting or engraving metals, glass, or acrylic. Achieving a less-than-perfect finish can either use up additional employee time as they try to correct the cuts by hand, either by filing or cutting, or it can create more rework or,for that matter, unsatisfied customers.
Therefore, It is prudent to research the best laser cutters and acrylic engraving machine on the market. You will find that some of the benefits of the most desirable of these machines, such as those that use CO2, require little human intervention and will be faster and far more accurate with no secondary damage to the object being engraved or cut.
2. Go paper free – including on the shop floor
Going paper free, especially on the shop floor, maybe a dream or desire of yours, but it is, with the help of technology, easily achievable. Of course, you are going to have to invest in items such as individual tablets, possibly with stands, so that they can have them viewable at their workstations while they perform their daily tasks.
Although you may well need to provide your workers with route cards or job cards to sign to say that they have completed their tasks actively, your shop floor will be kept relatively paper free. This is because they will find that all other documentation, such as detailed customer drawings, procedures, and relative BoM, can be easily accessible. Of course, you will have to ensure that their access is limited to the areas they require so as not to damage the security of your business or your customers.
3. Make use of online training platforms
With every employee having access to company technology either by computer or, in the circumstances of your manufacturing employees, their tablets, you will be able to set up training facilities for them. This can prove to be highly beneficial in the case of Health and Safety training or in Manual Handling protocols but can also be used for other forms of training too.
This is such cases as mentoring. Mentoring is a very important area that may not have been totally explored within your business. It can save employee time by keeping production lines moving, as well as providing your employees with added self-worth. This is because everybody, from time to time requires a bit of help with their work.
Rather than running around looking for an engineer or asking a busy colleague for help (which could interrupt their concentration and therefore impact their work), those looking for help could turn to their mentor and get help straight away. Being taught the right things and the correct way of doing them from a designated mentor is far better for all concerned than getting a half answer or one that is not correct or corner-cutting from a busy colleague.
4. Use the cloud
As a manufacturing company, you may not have come across the cloud or know much about it or,for that matter,understand how it works. However, you do not have to know much about it to understand the benefits that it can provide.
- Easy outsourcing capabilities
For instance, with the use of an office cloud, you can take advantage of the ease of outsourcing capabilities. An office cloud will mean that all of your employees, no matter where they are working, will be able to access the information they require to perform their duties correctly and with the necessary speed.
- Employing remote workers
This, of course, will mean that you will be able to hire remote workers and even make your office workers that do not need to be on-site work from home. This, in turn, will free up valuable space around your company premises so you will be able to expand other areas of your business, such as your manufacturing area or your stores, into the newly available space.
Final thoughts
Although you may find that the tech you need to invest in is costly, with some forward planning, you will soon see that the finishes and accomplishments involved will make it worth the investment especially as you will be able to recoup your spending and have a valuable business asset for years to come.
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