
Published on August 13th, 2021 | by Sunit Nandi


Will Bitcoin or cryptocurrency be widely accepted?

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was the first decentralized digital currency. Cryptocurrency is a subset of digital currencies such as Bitcoin. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology and operates without any central authority or banks.

What is a cryptocurrency?

It is difficult to define precisely what makes up a cryptocurrency because of its fluid nature, but it can generally be thought of as an electronic medium of storage and exchange that relies on cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of new units, and verify transactions at the point where they are entered into this database.

The pros of using cryptocurrencies over traditional currency?

There are many advantages to using cryptocurrencies over traditional currency:

  1. No Transaction Fees: Traditional banking and financial services charge fees for transactions. You can avoid those charges if you use cryptocurrencies.
  2. Independent of Banks, Governments, or other 3rd parties: cryptocurrencies are not tied to or subject to any banks or governments. Transactions are peer to peer, and there is no third party involved.
  3. Immortal Storage: Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Monero, and Ethereum can be stored virtually forever, making them incredibly useful for people who want to save their money without any physical limitation.
  4. Simple Value Transfer: Because of the increasing demand for cryptocurrencies in the marketplace, transactions often take hours or even days. Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin solve this problem by providing a simple and easy way to transfer value quickly.
  5. Transactions are Safe: You cannot go wrong with digital currencies since they are encrypted and decentralized, making them immune to fraud and hacking.
  6. No Taxation: Unlike traditional banking, cryptocurrencies are not taxed. This means that with cryptocurrencies, there is no government to take a cut of your earnings or tax your earnings at the end of the year.

The cons of using cryptocurrencies over traditional currency?

  1. Volatility: The price of cryptocurrencies can change very rapidly, and it is easy to lose a lot of money. This can be particularly true in countries where the fiat currency is valued lower than other countries.
  2. Government Regulation: Governments can ban or restrict the use of cryptocurrency. In addition, you do not have full control over your cryptocurrencies since they are stored on someone else’s server.
  3. Privacy Concerns: It is possible that others could monitor your transactions using blockchain technology.
  4. Technical Difficulties: Cryptocurrencies are not as user-friendly as traditional currencies. This can make them difficult to use.
  5. Diversification: If you only have a certain amount of money and the value of that money drops, it can be challenging to protect your financial security.
  6. Inflation: It is not uncommon that the value of a mainstream currency will drop and thus cause inflation. If your savings balance has an inflation rate that falls below the inflation rate of fiat currency, then you could experience deflation.
  7. Loss Of Control: The control over your cryptocurrency goes into one central place. If this one central place is compromised or you get hacked, then your entire cryptocurrency balance goes with it.
  8. Centralization: Centralized currencies are easily controlled by a few banks or governments.

How to buy & sell cryptocurrencies?

The best way to buy and sell cryptocurrencies is through cryptocurrency exchanges. There are hundreds of exchanges that allow you to buy, sell, and trade various cryptocurrencies.

The most popular way of buying cryptocurrencies is through credit cards or bank transfers. You can also buy them with other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum. Some exchanges even accept cash in exchange for cryptocurrency. Once you have purchased a cryptocurrency, the next step is to find a safe wallet for storing your coins.

How to trade bitcoin?

Coinbase is a bitcoin broker that provides a platform for traders to buy and sell bitcoin with fiat money. You can use Coinbase to trade bitcoin by manually trading bitcoin on the exchange provided by Coinbase or using their Coinbase Pro (CFD) trading platform.

Trade bitcoin on the go with Immediate Edge app. They offer a streamlined interface and have many features to make your trading experience more enjoyable.

How to accept Bitcoin as a business?

You can set up your own Bitcoin wallet and become a merchant. Or you can create an account on one of the exchange platforms like Coinbase and Coinmama, which allows you to convert your Bitcoins into other traditional currencies. Alternatively, you could set up an account on an online payment processor such as BitPay that lets you accept payments from customers directly from your business’ bank account.

What can you do with cryptos?

You can use Bitcoin to buy virtually anything you want online these days, mostly because it is accepted worldwide as a medium of exchange or payment option at many different retailers and merchants around the world. You can also transfer Bitcoin to someone else as a gift, make a profit by buying Bitcoin when it is undervalued and selling it after the value increases, or use Bitcoin as a store of wealth.

Where to store your cryptocurrencies if you don’t want them on an exchange?

If you want to keep your cryptocurrencies off the exchange, it is best to use a hardware wallet or cold wallet. Hardware wallets are the most secure option for storing your cryptocurrencies because they are kept offline and are hard to hack into.

You can also store your cryptocurrencies in a paper wallet, which is essentially just a document that contains two QR codes. One QR code contains the public address for receiving cryptocurrency and the second one contains the private address for spending cryptocurrency. The benefit of using paper wallets is that you do not have to worry about someone hacking into your computer and stealing your currency.

Some other popular types of crypto-currency that exist today?

There are many other cryptocurrencies, both big and small, that have been developed since Bitcoin. The most notable of these include Ethereum, Litecoin, Ripple, Monero, and Dash. Each of these cryptocurrencies has some unique features that make them stand out.


The use of cryptocurrency is growing every day, and it is becoming easier to obtain. As a result, these currencies will likely be accepted more frequently in the coming years. While most governments are hesitant to accept cryptocurrencies, many central banks are considering their own cryptocurrencies.

Predicting the future of cryptocurrency will be difficult since it is a fairly new form of currency. On the other hand, some people believe that all currencies will eventually be stored on blockchain technology, which is the backbone of cryptocurrencies today. This could mean that all government-backed paper money may no longer exist and that cryptocurrencies could become the dominant form of currency.


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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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