How Safe Are GPS Trackers for Children — What You Need to Know
Every parent of an infant has at least once dreamt of their baby growing up a bit faster so that it becomes easier in terms of care. While it is indeed easier to take care of a schoolchild, there are other difficulties parents come across when their beloved kids grow up.
So, your little one is a middle-school pupil ready to get there by a school bus. And it is the moment when your heart starts beating faster. Where is your child now? What are they doing? Why are they 15 minutes late from school?
The contemporary world has become more dangerous, and parents undeniable are looking for a modern solution to help them cope with these worries every time their children are not around. One of such solutions is a GPS watch for kids that has become a popular device among modern parents. Are they as safe as declared? Let us figure out the main pros and cons of GPS tracking technologies for kids.
Benefits of a GPS Watch
No parent will say that the possibility to track the location of their children is not a useful solution for them. Due to these gadgets, it has become possible to determine the following problems at early stages:
- regular tardiness,
- bullying at school,
- skipping classes,
- forbidden activities, etc.
Parents know that in the process of growing up, children are regularly trying to eliminate the boundaries that have been set for them. Therefore, if there is a possibility to find out about misbehavior before it has become a real problem, every parent will appreciate it. However, what about hidden dangers? Do they exist?
Unfortunately, any system or database can be hacked. Technology that tracks information on the location and movements of your child can be accessed by hackers. And no one knows their real intentions. Besides, GPS watches that have the function of calls have another flaw — another person can change the information inside the watch software and call your child. All this does not sound like a safety gadget, right?
What Is the Solution?
Unfortunately, every gadget you acquire for your baby has both pros and cons. With a smartphone or laptop, your kid will have access to the Internet. Regardless of parental control installed on devices, your little one will eventually learn to override it. So, as an adult giving a child a device connected to the net, it is crucial to explain the rules of using it. In the case of a GPS watch, warn your child:
- not to disclose to other people the details of the gadget they wear;
- not to take it off;
- not to reply to private questions if the other person calls on this watch.
With or without a watch, parents need to regularly remind safety rules of behavior in public and on the Internet. Only with a wise approach, a smart device can bring benefits. So, use such gadgets. However, do not entirely rely on them.