
Published on July 12th, 2020 | by Bibhuranjan


How can a Plagiarism Checker help students in Universities

Plagiarism is the term that denotes the action involving illegal or unauthorized use of any writer’s work or parts of it without his permission. Plagiarism is the stealing of any intellectual properties that include writing, art, image, music, choreography, photography, and other such things.

Plagiarism is the theft of someone else’s work, but it also includes the reuse of someone’s writing. Since most of the works come under copyright law, plagiarism is a severe crime and a punishable offense.

It is also harmful to someone’s career as it takes away the purpose of any artwork to convey the artist’s thoughts to the readers or the viewers or the mass.

 Plagiarism and a student’s career

  • Why is plagiarism given importance in an academic career?

In the present day, most academic institutions pay importance to the students’ understanding of a subject, and therefore they include dissertation papers, research articles as a part of their course.

Consequently, they give more importance to paperwork, where the student has projected his ideas instead of copy-pasting an already published work.

Since plagiarism is often considered as theft, it may affect the students’ career adversely. Most artists and writers treasure their tasks, and any plagiarism may mentally affect them. Moreover, a research paper is intended to illuminate a new array of the subject it may be unacceptable from relevance.

  • The most common types of plagiarism committed by the students:

The students must know about the kinds of plagiarism if they intend to avoid it. If a student is directly copy-pasting the article from any other writer, then it is called direct plagiarism. Well, this is not a much common form of plagiarism used by the students.

Self-plagiarism, mosaic plagiarism, and paraphrasing are the most common forms. Many students tend to submit their previous project for a new semester. It is called self-plagiarism.

Using this article without the permission of the professor may affect the student’s career. If the student wants to use parts of writing by changing some of the words with synonyms, then the type of plagiarism is mentioned as mosaic plagiarism.

If the student fails to mention the source, it will also come under the tag of plagiarism. The same thing goes for paraphrasing. If the student merely paraphrases parts of a work without any citation, then that will be an instance of plagiarism.

Many times a student commits plagiarism without even realizing or understanding it. It is considered as accidental plagiarism.

To avoid any plagiarism, the students need to use free plagiarism scanner and AI detector tools available online. This scanner tool identifies the plagiarised portions of the paper, and they provide the percentage of plagiarism. The student can change those parts and use them by marking them with quotation marks and using proper citation.

  • How plagiarism can affect a student:

Plagiarism charges can have a severe effect on a student’s academic journey or career as a whole. Depending on the educational institution’s policy, they can give the student a bad or failing grade.

They may also decide to expel the student for plagiarism. It is a punishable offense, and the writer of the original article may also take legal actions against the student for unauthorized use of his work without any permission.

These things can ruin a student’s academic career. Therefore the students must be careful about plagiarism. The students must not also use any copyrighted images or graphics for their paper without any credit. At the same time, students who use essay writing services can also make mistakes in their choice and face plagiarism. Therefore, it is important not only to choose such services carefully, but also to check the finished work.

  • How to stay away from plagiarism?

The students who treasure their research paper they must concentrate on not committing any plagiarism. There are occasions when a student commits plagiarism without even knowing it. To avoid accidental plagiarism, the students can use a plagiarism scanner.

Once the scanner tool identities the copied content, the student can use it as a quote from the article, and he must mention its name, author, edition, and such things as these, in the citation.

If the students are using parts from their previous work, they must mention its name and author. Otherwise, that will be an instance of self-plagiarism.

 Plagiarism isn’t restricted to the online world

Plagiarism is not only a recorded fact for offline works anymore. With the advent of digital publication and its flourishing, many students and researchers have published their works online.

Once published online, plagiarism may remain unnoticed. Once a reader reports the work for plagiarism, the site will take down the article, while the writer will lose credibility and fail to reach the readers.

The online world is more sensitive to plagiarism as the reader can find a plagiarised content within minutes by using free online plagiarism scanners. It is the reason the students must be careful about plagiarism at the same time.

If the students are using an online article, they need to make sure that they include the URL of the page. Otherwise, they may end up committing plagiarism.

Take advantage of the paid and free plagiarism checkers online

The teachers mostly advise the students to bring out their original ideas while deciding the topic of their project. It is always the best idea to go on with thoughts about the original text, but many students prefer to use parts of other articles or web content to substantiate their arguments.

Well, this makes their case significantly stronger. But the students need to be careful about plagiarism. They need to put quotation marks and proper citation. To ensure that there is no accidental plagiarism, the student must use a plagiarism scanner tool before submitting or publishing his paper.

These tools will identify the duplicate content in writing and also generate the percentage of plagiarism. The student needs to take action to get rid of the plagiarized contents.

A student who is spending much of his career in learning a topic must value their research paper. Therefore, they must use online plagiarism scanner tools to find a copied article in his writing.

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Editorial Officer, I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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