6 Ways to win technical project negotiation every time
In the field of project management, the project manager needs to have an excellent skill of negotiation. There are various areas where one can use the skills of negotiation that would help the one to win it every time.
Before having further information regarding the process to win the project negotiation let us discuss what project negotiation means?
What is project negotiation?
According to the 5th edition of the PMBOK guide for PMP(Project Management Professional), it is said that negotiation is a process that involves the activities to resolve the dispute between the two parties. It involves different kinds of disputes and can be resolved by conducting consultations.
The negotiation can take place at any time within the life cycle of the project management formally or informally. Now, talking about the formal negotiation, it involves the issues regarding the contract of the project. Informal negotiation includes the solution of the conflict between members of both teams.
Talking in general, negotiation is a very legitimate skill of project management even if no matter how much you are hating it but must develop it. Negotiation becomes difficult if you are having a small business and had to argue against the powerful entities.
Thus, due to all these reasons, it becomes very important for the project manager to know the negotiation skills that would help them to win every time. PMP has got a very good explanation of it and based on that few of them are discussed below.
In this article of project negotiation, we have mentioned certain points that would surely help to win the argument. Let’s see what are the points to win the project negotiation every time in project management.
Techniques to win a technical project negotiation every time
Following these techniques will help a project manager to be a better, confident, and can have the courage to win the negotiation.
- Prepare yourself
Without preparation, entering a negotiation would be a complete loss. So, one should be clear beforehand with the ideas of what arrangement they want. According to Vinsys , Prince2 has the coaching of project manager for proper negotiation.
One should have the ability to understand the needs, strengths, and weaknesses of the other team. If necessary, enlist the help from the digital platform, the accountants or tech guru.The starting phase of the meeting is important because the other party evaluates you intensely.
Try to relax and be free and start the conversation with a smiling face. The deal will work only if they open up in the first five minutes of negotiation. PMP training is very much useful over here.
- Proper timing and egoless nature
Timing in negotiation is very important. One should prepare the list of questions to ask the other team so that less time is wasted. You should know the time according to the situation and can ask the question according to that.
A real negotiator of project management does not care about the credits of the deal. They are only concerned about the final agreement of the deal according to their idea. This could be only possible with having zero ego within them.
- Boost up your listening skills
Most often, the best negotiators would recommend to listen silently rather than arguing pointlessly. They always try to encourage the other side of the team to talk first. During this process, one gets the help to set the oldest maxims of the negotiation.
Let’s see how project manager having PRINCE2 certification can easily handle the negotiation as they know the one who keeps the point first will lose. Go high or Go home can be a tenet that defines the highest justifiable of project management as a part of preparation.
As long as the point of your argument is convenient, don’t be afraid of aiming high. You can also expect yourself to make concession and can plan according to them. And if it is not better don’t feel shame to decline the offer politely.
- Show that you are passionate
In the negotiation of every project management, if you are satisfied with all the terms and conditions of theirs, show that you agree to it by smiling. And if you disagree with it, your emotions should be enough for them to understand your sign.
The social signal of facial expression plays a major role as it signs the value of anger and enhances the credibility of the complainant. If the room of doubt presents the complaint then it can also lead to better compensation.
- Stick to your principles
In project management, there are certain sets of guidelines, principles, and values that one would like to stick on without making any compromise. If finding a deal crossing the boundaries of your guideline, then it can be a deal you can live without.
As an individual and a manager of the project management team, you would hear all the problems and reasons of the opposition team arguing on they can’t give you what they want. They would rather want their problem to become yours but sticking to your point would be perfect.
Instead of accepting their problem, try to deal and solve the problem. If the problem is related to the low budget the project manager having PMP certification can easily solve with his intellectuals. The digital software can solve all the accounts and budget of the project.
- Closing with Confirmation
At the closing of any meeting, it is very necessary to recap all the discussed points to get the surety for both the teams. It would also help to recover the left areas of the agreement. Make sure it is confirmed by both of the teams.
After that, follow all the appropriate digital platforms like emails and letters once the project has started. Through this, the project manager can easily give all the reports of ongoing projects to the stakeholder. Leaving the closing of the negotiation by having the loose end is not a good idea.
Negotiation is a type of attribute every project manager can possess when it is about a good entrepreneur spelling the success in the world of startup. From bringing good in people, to finance arrangement and nailing it at first negotiation is a sign of real negotiator in project management.
Hence, this article was all about the techniques that describe the project negotiation and it’s every time wining. You can easily bring your startup of PMP to another high level by keeping all the above-mentioned points in mind. I hope this was useful and would help you out with the winning of project negotiation every time.