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Published on July 29th, 2020 | by Sunit Nandi


5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs Time Management Software

Peter Drucker has said that time is the scariest resource and we need to manage it if we want to manage other things properly. Whether you are an individual or businessman, you need to manage your time in the right manner so that you can accomplish all your scheduled tasks be it personal or professional.

Talking about the businesses, most of them spent their time on tracking employees’ hours, reporting, making bills & invoices, managing projects, and writing day-to-day expenses by following old-school techniques. Yes, you read right. Still, most of the businesses and startup companies prefer to follow old-schools techniques like excel sheets, Google spreadsheets, and paper files to do their daily operations.

However, it’s a high time for companies, startups, and agencies to start adopting an online timesheets software solution that will automate the process of time tracking, reporting, billing, expense tracking, and track PTO balance & accruals.

Moreover, this type of software solution provides an easy yet simple way to comprehend your employees’ productivity of work, know total working time, and time spent on each task.

“Time is the scariest resource and unless it is managed, nothing else can be managed.” – Peter Drucker

Such information and data will be generated automatically and can be easily transferred into accurate reports. Being an owner of any company, if you are wondering why your business needs a time management software solution, then here are the 5 reasons that will answer your question. Let’s get started:

1. Streamlines Daily Operations

The main reason why your business needs a time tracking software is, it streamlines almost all the daily operations like managing clients, projects, employees, replying to client’s emails, generating bills as per the set-up rates for projects, and creating reports (on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis).

Apart from these things, you can also streamline the approval process. Whenever any user or employee submits a timesheet, you can approve or reject with just a click. In short, the cloud based timeshare software will help you to automate the entire process and save hours of time to focus on other aspects of the business.

2. Makes Managing Things Easier

Whether it is about managing clients, different projects with their user rates, employees’ with their timesheets, or daily expenses, time tracking software is a one-stop solution that you need for your company. Moreover, the geofence time tracking feature provides precise location-based data to ensure accurate time recording for on-site work.

Earlier, you used to spend hours of time managing all these things manually, but the software will help you to manage things with just a few simple clicks on the screen. By seating from your office’s canteen, conference room, cabin or your home, you can manage all the things and save huge time so that you can give attention to other important things like expanding business, growth strategies, and brainstorming new ideas.

3. Get Real-time Information & Data

The third important reason to invest your money in the online timesheets software is to get real-time data and information that helps you to make instant decisions for your projects. Once your employees create and submit timesheets, add new project details, submit reports, or anything, you will be updated about it through email notification so that you can access it in real-time.

From your mobile phone to laptop, or office computer, you can access the timesheet solution and stay updated about daily happenings of projects and other important information.

4. Generating Invoices & Bills With Clicks

Gone are the days when you were creating paper-based invoices and bills to share with your clients. It’s time to be digital and send your clients invoices and bills from the comfort of your home or office.

The software solution comes with invoice and billing features, allowing businesses or their employees to set up the hourly rates charged for users and projects, and accordingly generate the bill with accurate total. With just a few simple clicks, generate as many invoices as you want and share with your clients in real-time.

5. Track Your Employees and Their Daily Time

If you have hundreds of employees in the company, then you will surely find it difficult to track them with their tasks, timesheets, and total time. Right? Online cloud based timesheet software will make things easier than ever. The solution helps you to track all your team members along with their work, timesheets, and total working time.

Not only this but the software also comes with specific timers that can be started and stopped to provide accurate time that is spent on the project. With a simple and easy-to-use time tracking feature, the admin of the company can have a look at an employee’s daily hours in no time.

So, these are the 5 major reasons why your business needs time management software to make things easier and smoother. As there are many such software solutions in the market, we will recommend you to use one that is advanced, feature-rich, and offer exceptional functionalities.

One such advanced cloud-based software is Timogix that is trusted and used by thousands of small businesses, companies, and startups to track their employees’ daily time, expense tracking, invoicing & billing, daily customized reporting, project management, and smoother approval process.

Known for its exclusive range of features and functionalities, Timogix is a simple and easy-to-use software solution that was launched with two main things in mind. First is its simplicity and the second is its affordability so that small-scale to medium-sized and large enterprises can make use of this time tracking software that is available in both free and paid versions.

On a Concluding Note

In this blog post, we went through the basics of time tracking software solutions and provided definite reasons why your business needs one to make things easier. However, we have also discussed one of the most popular and successfully online timesheets software that is performing extremely well despite heavy competition.

Have some queries or feedback about this blog content or do you want to know more about Timogix software? You can get in touch with us and we will get back to you shortly.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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