
Published on March 7th, 2020 | by Bibhuranjan


New To Gaming Laptops: Read This To Pick Up The Best Gaming Laptop in 2020

Gone are those days when we used to rely on the CDs for playing our favourite video games such as Hercules or Mario. Presently, it’s the era of gaming laptops! With their incomparable as well as robust technology, then beginners would also become addicted to them. Desktops have always been the most prominent systems for playing games with advanced wireless keyboards, mouse and speakers will take your gaming experience to next level. But nowadays every person needs something portable. A gaming laptop acts as a saviour in this case! It is undoubtedly considered a ‘rig on the go’, and with a variety of their sizes, you will get a plethora of options to choose from.

What is the first thing that’s going to strike your mind when you intend to buy the best gaming laptop? It would undoubtedly be its specifications! But here you are partially correct! Having a look only at the specifications wouldn’t be just enough. Instead, there are many other features which you need to ensure when you are looking forward to picking the best gaming laptop. Before making a decision, it’s highly recommended to have a look at our gaming laptops buying guide. Read on further

  • Screen and Display

One of the most defining characteristics of a gaming laptop that you need to look out for is none other than its display. The gaming laptop that you intend to buy should be accompanied by a high-quality display. Majority of the high-end notebooks prevalent in the market have 15-17 inches of displays. A good quality IPS display will not only give you decent viewing angles, but will also have high refresh rates, for more responsive gaming.

  • Hardware

The performance of your gaming laptop is completely reliant on the laptop’s hardware. If the hardware is great, nothing can stop it from functioning in the finest possible manner. Each and every element of the hardware is quite important, and thus, you must ensure that it’s there. Also laptop cooling pad can improve performance and reduce heat produced by laptop. These hardware gadgets include GPU, CPU, RAM and notably, the storage. For overall responsiveness, shop now with the addition of an SSD over a mechanical Hard Drive, followed by a decent GPU package and Atleast 8GB of RAM.

  • Quality and features

Gaming laptops these days make for very decent personal workstations. Most gaming laptops can easily be used as daily drivers to replace a desktop as they are not only well built but are very stable for running 24×7. Furthermore, if you aren’t keen on the concept of thin and light, then you can get some pretty decent features in your laptop like more I/O for connectivity, better webcams, Biometrics, 4K displays and so on. Looking for these elements are as essential as getting decent internal components.

  • Portability

Gaming laptops of old were often known for their hulking proportions and ungainly weight, making them very difficult to carry around. The bulk of the weight came from internal cooling as older hardware heated up pretty bad. Newer generation laptops found today do not suffer from the same fate though. Even relatively thin and light gaming Laptops those from Razer or MSI feature slick chassis without compromise on hardware. So if you intend to carry the laptop all day round, there are definitely options. Ideally your budget will decide what you end up with.

  • Graphics

Arguably the most important component in a best gaming laptop. Your GPU class defines how well your machine can game now and in the future. Most top of the range GPU’s already carry hefty prices, so as your GPU tier increases, the cost of your overall laptop too. Ideally any mid range GPU should give you decent gameplay experience of 2-3 years.  So unless you really need the extra horsepower and 4k resolutions, a mid range GPU is ideally a VFM proposition.

There is a whole lot of things that you should keep a check on while intending to purchase the best gaming laptop. Your whole gaming experience lies in these laptops, and thus, you should ensure that these are just the best! The aforementioned things are the most important ones which you should keep in mind. Thus, never forget to look out for these features whenever you are shopping for the best gaming laptop, whether online or offline.

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Editorial Officer, technofaq.org I'm an avid tech enthusiast at heart. I like to mug up on new and exciting developments on science and tech and have a deep love for PC gaming. Other hobbies include writing blog posts, music and DIY projects.

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