The Underlying Truth Behind Advertising, Marketing & Branding
As far as marketing goes, too often people make the mistake of believing that it is just about social media, building a brand online and hitting every angle with advertising where possible. However, the truth is that these all form of a marketing strategy and make the entire process of marketing seem simple when, in fact, it is more complex than many realise.
So, when it comes to understanding marketing and what it is all about, then people should look at it from a personal angle. Once they understand this, they will then be able to identify the differences between marketing, advertising and branding.

Marketing is about how you look
Marketing is all about the way that you want to present yourself. So, if we are looking at this from a personal perspective, it is about how you dress, your style and how you take care of yourself. We all have a way of achieving this and so, we implement a strategy for the way in which we look. Therefore, you need to choose an image for your business and make it look, feel and behave that way. That old fashioned saying of “first impressions count for a lot” is extremely true when it comes to business. It is important and when it comes to first impressions on a personal level, it is about how you look. As a business, you need to create that first impression and make it count because that is what marketing is all about. Then you can alter it, evolve and change it over time. Therefore, consider how your business appears because that will have an impact on the way in which your consumers accept your business.
Advertising is about your behavior in public
We have identified that marketing is about how you look but advertising is all about your actions as a business. So, if we continue with the analogy of looking at this from a personal level, advertising yourself is about how you behave, the places you frequent and the things you say. All of this has to tie in with your marketing strategy, helping to bring consistency.
How you execute the way in which you advertise yourself is crucial. You should not say one thing and do another because that will annoy people and that is something you will need to consider in business. Your business advertising strategy, whether it involves a blog that is similar to that of the Ultimate Banners blog or your target a specific audience on social media, you have to execute it perfectly. This means you have to do it in the right places but do it with the right message. If you do it at the wrong time with the wrong message then you are going to cause confusion and that will force consumers to go elsewhere.
Branding is how others perceive you
Marketing is about the way in which you want people to see you but in contrast to this, branding is actually how they see you. Your marketing strategy should consider your personal brand, therefore, if it is a strong brand then can focus more attention on growing it. If you have a bad reputation then you will need to focus on changing those perceptions.
From a personal perspective, if people think you do not pull your weight in the workplace then you will need to change this perception by starting to do more. They will then see you in a different light and change their opinion of you.
In a business environment, how your consumers see your business is vital to the way that you put your a marketing and advertising strategy in place.
While it is too easy for people to believe that a marketing strategy is relatively simple, the only way to break it down and explain it is to apply the process to our personal lives. This then delivers an effective way of explaining how the concept can with in line with your business.
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