
Published on May 18th, 2019 | by Sunit Nandi


5 Unique Projects to Show Off Your Artistic Side

“Artistic? Who, me?” This is so many of us and yet all it really takes is a bit of inspiration to unlock that part of our brains. Of course, we’re not all going to be creating Jackson Pollock art or mastering complex symphonies but that doesn’t mean we can’t get in touch with our inner artists. This is the age of Pinterest after all, so creativity is quite literally at your fingertips. Wondering how to reach this part of your personality? We can provide some inspiration. Read on for five projects to show off your artistic side.

Decorate Your Home

If you rent, this can be a bit more challenging. But if you own your own home, you’ve got an entire blank canvas on which to express your personality. Whether you give the entire house a theme or give each room a bit of whimsy, there are few things in life that can lead to a more accomplished feeling than designing and decorating your own home. As we mentioned, Pinterest is your friend. Hop on there and pin things that inspire until your heart’s content. Give yourself the time to make every room a passion project, and you won’t believe the way you’ll feel when giving others a chance to see the big reveal. You never know – if this is something you end up truly excelling at, you could have a side business ready to boom.

Write Your Heart Out

You might think that you are not a writer but put that pen to paper without rules, and you might be surprised to see what comes out. Don’t restrict yourself … at least when you’re first giving this a go. Start out with some free association writing techniques. Even accomplished writers often try things like this when they have writer’s block. Before long, the ideas will come and it may just be a matter of whether your fingers can keep up. You can keep these pieces to yourself or decide to share these thoughts with others but, either way, there are few things in life that can lead to a greater sense of peace than releasing the thoughts within.

Get Up and In Front of Others

Now, this isn’t for everyone, and don’t feel badly if you think you’d rather pass on this one. However, if you’ve got a talent that you think is worth sharing and you’ve always had an inkling you might want to do so, go for it. As cliche as it sounds, you only get one ride on this merry-go-round called life. I’ve you’ve always wanted to be a concert pianist, an outrageous comic, or a gospel singer, go for it. You don’t have to be performing at Madison Square Garden to scratch that itch. Hit an open mic night. Sing in your church choir. Sign up for piano lessons and some subsequent concerts. Whether you want to do this as a means of making money or simply as something to cross off your bucket list, you’ll be glad you had the courage to try something you’ve always wanted to.

Channel Your Inner DJ

There aren’t many professions that look more enjoyable than a DJ, wouldn’t you agree? Between the lively crowds and the power of being in charge of the music, it’s exhilarating. If you’ve always wanted to give it a whirl, try taking a class. Hop online and you’ll surely find one or more near you. If you’ve already got a stockpile of music, you’re ready to give it a shot. If not, you’ll want to gradually build up your collection. Be on top of the latest technology. Work on your stage presence. Practice in front of friends. Engage the audience by doing things like making sound art with an audio visualizer software. Even if you don’t make a living from this, you’ll have a blast getting behind that turntable.

Play With Pictures

It used to be that had to have an expensive DSLR to do anything worthwhile with photos. And if you want to be a professional photographer, you still probably want to invest in such a camera. However, if you simply want to bring out your inner artist, all you really need is a smart phone. Between the different settings you can put it on, the apps you can use, the filters, and the ability to add a lens if you’d like, a smartphone can take amazing photos. This is particularly true if learn tips on how to best use your phone, such as enlisting natural light, using gridlines, and taking advantage of natural space. As with DJing, there are plenty of in-person and online photography classes and tutorials you can take to decide whether this is something you might want to dabble in or if this is something you might be able to do for a living. Either way, looking at your finished products can be a source of immense pride.

We truly believe that everyone has at least some artistic ability. Don’t believe us? Try giving one or all of these things a shot and you might be surprised at how right-brained you really are.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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