This Is Why the Skill of Proper Conversation Brings More Money
You can have the most brilliant idea, but it’s important how you promote and present it to the people that might be of interest to them.
When it comes to being convincing and enticing to people around you, you have to master the art of presentation. Before you learn how to present, you have to focus on a skill that directly influences every other form of interaction – conversation.
With proper conversational skills, you won’t just be able to convince. You will sell and even alter their point of view to fit your agenda. During an in-depth conversation, you can learn a lot about your interlocutor’s habits, preferences and weaknesses.
Unlike negotiations, conversation is much laxer and gives you the time to leave an impression precisely when people don’t expect anything of the sort. In this article, we will analyze how your conversational skill can bring you money.
Learn what others want
One of the two pillars of conversation is listening. When you’re sitting in a meeting, there must be a trillion of thoughts flying through your head at the same time. It can be exhausting, especially if you’re in such a mode during the entire week.
However, if you feel overwhelmed, you should abandon these thoughts and focus on the meeting itself. With the skill of conversation, you can earn a lot of money in a pretty deceptive way.
Listen to what your interlocutors say. Write down their complaints, thoughts and wishes. Don’t interrupt them – just wait for your turn to talk. When your turn finally comes, you will have more than enough “material” to make a positive impression.
- By expressing your thoughts and inserting things you’ve heard, you’re sending a message of a good listener who cares about what people think. Clients, coworkers and even investors love a person who knows how to read them and locate their problems and wishes in the coordinate system of conversation.
- Refer to something someone has said. Even if you don’t have anything meaningful to add, it’s always good to reinforce your opinion with other people’s words. Citing someone is extremely flattering. Even the most confident individuals can’t help but smile when they’re being quoted.
- Ask directly. When closing deals and meeting with clients, you want to be straight to the point. Sure, you can listen to them talking and notice signs, but it’s the direct conversation that leaves the biggest impression. Gather all the “data” you might need and approach them with plans or suggestions.
Making money with conversation skills depends on how long you listen and how effectively you utilize that which you have heard. It’s a simple modus operandi that works in all environments.
Use conversation to find solutions
The crux of every business on the planet is finding solutions to problems. You notice that something is wrong and you want to fill the vacuum with the right product or service.
It makes sense, but things can get a little hectic if there are too many problems and your solutions aren’t apparent enough. How do you solve situations like this? Easy – using conversation.
When engaging people in conversation, you need to have a hunter’s mindset. Listen closely and ask carefully-placed questions when they say something. Hunt for problems and identify the most important ones. If you listen closely enough and invest a lot of effort, you will be able to pinpoint the exact problem.
For example, let’s image you’re the owner of an eCommerce site. You talk to your customers in terms of allowing them to post reviews or comments. Keep in mind that this is also a form of conversation, albeit non-traditional.
Most of the reviews say that your instructions are unclear. There – you’ve found a problem! After identifying your absence of instructions, you can use any tool that provides writing dissertation help online. Besides, you can read some reviews of writing companies like this BoomEssays review to choose the best one for you.
Conversation allows you to reinforce your suggestions
To always find solutions and act fast, you have to prove yourself as an efficient problem solver. Once you gain such a reputation, people will see you as a person who is always ready to discuss and listen.
Whether it’s upper management, clients or associates – they will be giving you information on a plate. You can utilize it to create even better solutions for customers, for example.
Before you engage someone to use your services, find out about theirs. As they talk in detail about their goals, experiences and thoughts – take a look at the holes they might have in their strategy. Instead of beginning a pitch with:
My business can help you with… and do … so that you can effectively accomplish…
Begin with:
Now that I’ve heard your amazing vision, I was just wondering how my business would be a good fit for your ideas. I’ve noticed that you have trouble with…, but I think my solutions can provide you with the answers you need.
See the difference? You’re not offering assistance out of the blue, you’re using arguments to provide solutions.
Conversation helps you attract new associates and experts
One thing the entrepreneurs focus on is impressing clients. They use the entirety of their conversational skills while giving a sales pitch to impress buyers and investors, but they fail to do so when talking to people in their own niche. If you want your brand to grow and to make your venture a successful one, you need to impress other experts.
During the recruitment process, don’t focus on the typical things interviewers focus on. Resumes are not important – it’s the candidate’s life and goals that matter when it comes to finding a perfect fit.
Ask them what they want and what they didn’t like at their previous job. Develop a relationship from the get-go and your new employees will be thankful. The implementation of conversation can help you make more money during recruitment by:
- Reassurance. No matter how many years you’ve been in an industry, it’s never easy to transfer to a new environment and do different things. Talking to your candidates reassures them that you care about them and that you want the best for them.
- Preparation. It’s important for every new member of the team to get accustomed to the workplace. When you talk to them and know their preference, you can adjust simple things like office size and equipment to their taste. A satisfied employee is a productive employee.
- Giving off a “family” vibe. Nobody likes formal relations and tensions at work. A little bit of conversation can help new employees relax and integrate themselves faster.
Conversation makes people remember you
It’s not about what you say, it’s about how you say it. Good conversation skills can help you wrap your thoughts into the right form to accomplish a goal.
Whether it’s talking to clients or your boss, you have to choose which words are to be emphasized. If you control the conversation or at least spend time on an equal level as the other person, you will be remembered.
You never know when that first impression might suit be of use. One conversation can give you new business deals, job offers and everything else that might interest you. Bring your A-game every time and people will remember you.
Concluding thoughts
Be a good listener and know how to identify people’s problems. Use that information to make yourself memorable and one-of-a-kind. Being remembered is perhaps the best and easiest way to make money. Just be consistent and that’s all.