Top 10 3D Printing Projects Ever
In the past few years, the use of 3D printers increased. As time progresses, the success of 3D printing can be seen in various industries such as in manufacturing and medical applications. 3D printing technology is also used in industrial and sociocultural applications. Without a doubt, 3D printing is changing our lives for good. In the near future, it’s not surprising to see it being used in other industries to better improve the equipment, instruments, and machines that are utilized on a daily basis.
Since 3D printing was introduced, many companies initiated research and studies to improve 3D printers and their outputs. The 3D printing industry is the fruit of rigorous studies and research. Some of which failed miserably while others gave a brighter light for 3D printer enthusiasts. Thus, in this day and age, 3D printing is playing a crucial role in various applications mentioned above. In fact, some companies are creating 3D printers that are powerful enough to produce additional 3D printers.
If you’re looking for 3D printing project ideas, this list is the perfect inspiration that will fuel your desire to start a new project that can help change the world for the better.
Now that 3D printers have made their mark in the printing industry, let’s look back to the most sought-after applications of this printing method to date.
Open Press Project
The Open Press Project is created by a student from Cologne, Germany. Martin Schneider project allows artists, teachers, and makers to create affordable and cost-effective printing presses with the 3D printers. The Open Press Project is the first 3D printed etching press used for dry-points or engravings.
3D Print a Mechanical Hummingbird
The 3D Print a Mechanical Hummingbird is the brainchild of Greg Zumwalt. He is an Oklahoma-based maker and former software and video game company owner. The project will give your 3D printer a lift and will make the most out of it. What’s good about this project is that you can enjoy real-time automation while using the 3D printer.
Embedding Objects
Embedding Objects by Vicky Somma allows users to embed almost anything. This 3D project can be used for embedded prints within prints, embedded mirrors, embedded nuts, embedded sand, embedded split rings, embedded corks, embedded magnets, and so much more.
Raspberry Pi Zero Smart Glass
Ricardo Ferro introduced the Raspberry Pi Zero Smart Glass that can help you identify objects using image recognition technology. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most sought after 3D printing projects available.
Ultrascope is an open source robot telescope or ARO (Automated Robotic Observatory) controlled by a smartphone that was developed by Open Space Agency. It empowers citizen scientists with a low cost and open source robotic telescope to assist the work of professional astronomers. Open Space Agency aimed to develop a kit-set telescope that resulted in the creation of the Ultrascope.
InMoov Robot
Developed by Gael Langevin, the InMoov Robot is replicable on any home 3D printer with a 12x12x12cm area. It is an open-source 3D printed life-size robot. The InMoov Robot has been highly recognized as a development platform for Universities, laboratories, makers, and even hobbyists. The InMoov Robot will work through the commands of the Arduino microcontrollers.
The InMoov Robot’s intricate design is a perfect training ground for 3D printer enthusiasts who want to continuously hone their skills in the industry.
XPIDER was developed by Roboeve and it is considered as the smallest programmable spider robot in the world created using a 3D printer. The XPIDER was intricately designed and it’s powerful enough to run through a software. At this time, the XPIDER is still being tested for additional features that can be incorporated.
UV Meter and Breathalyzer Keychain
Fune Studio utilizes the power of 3D printing, UV sensors, and alcohol sensors to make a useful gadget designed to boost your outdoor summer fun while minimizing your indoor summer recovery. The UV Meter and Breathalyzer Keychain is a lightweight device you can toss in your everyday bag.
IMA Juno
IMA Juno is a great introduction to making, Arduino coding, electronics, and 3D printed mechanics introduced by Explore Making. It’s easy to assemble and is adaptable, making it a great platform for exploration and additional discovery.
PiKon Touchscreen Display Power Pack
PiKon Touchscreen Display Power Pack is one of the innovations brought to us by Third Earth.
Designs. It is a small, lightweight and compact all-in-one unit that provides power to the Pi. The PiKon Touchscreen Display Power Pack includes a display, input controls, and a user-friendly interface to work with the PiKon 3D printed telescope for a whole new level of Pi experience.
Bonus Noteworthy 3D Projects
3D printing is also used for environmental concerns. Here is the bonus 3D project that aims to help the environment.
Thunderhead Filament Extruder
The group popularly known as the Tech for Trade created the Thunderhead Filament Extruder which is a small scale extruder designed to make 3D printing filament from recycled PET plastic bottles and other equipment. The Thunderhead Filament Extruder can produce 0.5 to 1 kg of filament per hour directly from flakes or shredded used plastic bottles. This is one of the best 3D printing projects concerning the environment and recycling of plastic bottles.
Precious Plastic
Precious Plastic is another breakthrough 3D printing projects developed by Dave Hakkens. The Precious Plastic machine enables anyone to recycle plastic. From preserving our ocean to finding a beautiful way to reuse old water bottles, 3D printing can make every day Earth Day. With the intricate design of the Precious Plastic and its aim to help the environment gain its beauty, 3D printing projects like this are worth the praises.
Just like the Thunderhead Filament Extruder, Precious Plastic aims to recycle plastic bottles and turn them into an item that can be used. It can be a table, chair, cabinets, and other household furniture.
The 3D printing industry is undeniably promising and now showing a lot of potential for continuous growth and development. With its possible applications and flexibility, more industries can create new innovations through 3D printers and utilize the output to improve our way of life.