Published on January 17th, 2019 | by Guest


10 Changes In Content Marketing That You Must Implement This 2019

  • During 2018, 42 percent of the companies hired designated strategists to create content.
  • Among the changes you should consider is to stop guessing and start measuring. 

The arrival of the New Year implies the opportunity to also develop new things, in this case, 2019 lends itself to implement various adjustments that can improve the results you get with your marketing strategies. This time we will share some changes in content marketing that you should consider to start the 2019 better.


Why content marketing in particular? This is one of the most effective tactics that marketers can count on today, hence it is not surprising that 42 percent of companies have already hired a strategist designated for content creation during 2018, as revealed by HubSpot. So without further ado, here you have the recommendations below.

Changes in content marketing that will help you in 2019

1. Stop thinking about the quantity and start thinking about quality first

Currently many companies, especially medium and small size are engaged in the volume of content that develops, and although this can become important, because as indicated by the statistics of the WCC, which say that those firms that publish more of 16 articles in a blog achieve better results, quantity is not everything. In fact, at this point due to the saturation of content, quality should be the priority for companies, therefore, among the changes in content marketing you must do as a marketer is to change the focus.

Did you know that for many companies, the majority of their online engagement and traffic comes from no more than 5 percent of their content ?, this, as highlighted by Business2Community is due to a single relevant content is more significant than 10 new articles published in a blog every day

2. Stop guessing and start measuring

As happens in the previous point, many companies also invest large sums of money in the production of content, the problem with this is that by giving priority to creation, they pay no attention to the fact that they also resources are needed for the measurement and analysis of content, therefore, this is the second of the changes in content marketing that you should contemplate.

If you are going to invest in a marketing channel it is necessary that you have an idea of ​​how your performance will be for the brand, therefore, consider adding an adequate platform to measure. This does not have to be the biggest, expensive or technical, even a free platform like Google Analytics is a great help so you can start measuring instead of assuming things that could be wrong and be damaging to the firm.

3. Create a way to involve the whole team

For anyone responsible for content creation, there comes a time when ideas are difficult to identify, therefore, it is advisable to follow a simple strategy: involve the team. With actions such as creating a shared document in Google Drive, it is possible for a content creator to join the team so that they can contribute content ideas that come to mind or to report questions from consumers, which can be seen as a source of inspiration for the development of content.

There is no good reason why the company’s team cannot get involved in content development.

4. Document all

As the fourth of the changes in content marketing it is recommended that you implement the documentation. For this year, try to keep track of your content marketing efforts, from who writes what, how often they post new content, and so on.

Documenting efforts can be an invaluable action to stay accountable and to identify potential areas where improvements can be implemented. The task is easy, you can even use Google Drive documents or an Excel daughter to generate a record of content marketing actions.

5. Be consistent with the stories you tell

You should know that all the content you produce is actually telling the story of the brand in a certain way, and for this reason it is important to keep a clear narrative.

Among the changes in content marketing, this is why consistency helps to maintain messages, to be relevant, elevates reputation and facilitates measurement. Every time you develop content, you think about the firm’s mission, its value proposal, the problems it solves and why a consumer should choose the brand over the competition.

However, in addition to thinking about the above, it is important that you document the answers to these approaches to create a narrative to which you can refer from time to time and in this way ensure that the content that is created manages to reinforce the central message to be transmitted .

6. Start thinking like a publisher

To complement the above, the next of the changes in content marketing that you must implement is to start thinking as if the company were an editorial. With this type of mindset, the result obtained by companies is that they transmit their opinion leadership better, they manage to amass large audiences in social networks and they maintain total control over the narrative of their firms.

To make this recommendation more practical, consider some options to publish branded content beyond the company’s website, for example, you can go to Medium or LinkedIn Pulse.

7. Unite SEO and content marketing

2019 is a good year to put into practice this recommendation that has been done for a long time. Developing SEO in content is the best way to guarantee outstanding and continuous results. Use platforms such as Google Keyword Planner to generate terms to guide your content and to develop sub-themes within a single piece. This is one of the simplest and most effective recommendations you can put into place.

8. Modify your formula

Among the changes in content marketing, it is also important that this year you seek to experiment with the formats, if your thing has always been to work with articles for a blog, consider now taking the most popular ones and convert them into scripts for a video on YouTube or on Instagram . There’s a perfect tool for making professional videos.

The same can apply in an inverse sense, if yours is to make live broadcasts from spaces like Facebook, consider taking one of your most prominent pieces   and translate it in the form of a written article.

9. Broadcast live

Speaking of live broadcasts, it is recommended that you begin to consider them seriously. For many intimacies can be but that is something that you must leave behind, remember that you do not need something very elaborate. In fact, the nature of live broadcasts is somewhat informal.

10. Work with a qualified team

Finally, as the last of the changes in content marketing that you should consider is that if you feel that you are not having the expected results after a time of being developed, consider going to a firm specialized in the subject. A company like this can help you to produce more strategically, efficiently and creatively.

Author Bio:

I am Arslan Riaz founder of the also expert’s writer and blogger, as knowing about animation and having more than 4 years of the incident. Also, writing for Dzone, Tgdaily, Webdesign etc.

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