
Published on September 3rd, 2018 | by Sunit Nandi


Improving Quality and Saving Time: 3 Mobile App Testing Challenges and How Cloud Technology Can Help You Overcome Them

Mobile applications now reign supreme. According to multiple studies, a majority of users consume internet content on their phones via apps. This applies to both consumer targeted and enterprise content. Rather than go to the web and browse website pages, users are choosing do download related apps and access the information they need from these apps.

This is good news, even to developers. A growing market means that after a long day at work, everyone involved in making apps a success get to earn a deserved wage.

A persistent challenge that is putting a huge strain on the industry, however, is testing. Every developer you ask says that testing is what’s breaking the camel’s back. They still spend too much money and time testing, time that could be spent on other useful activities.

If you belong in this group, we have a solution for you; we believe that cloud technology can help solve some of these problems. The following are three common challenges in mobile app testing that can be partly solved by adopting cloud technology.

1. Data loss

Testing is a volatile process. You’re basically dealing with raw data. If you lose the data without a reliable backup, you have to back and start from scratch.

The good news is that a majority of developers have invested in expensive computing systems that allow them to back up data at every stage. This ensures that if something goes wrong with the testing process and data is lost, then you can turn to the backed up data.

The problem arises when a situation occurs where even the backup system is affected. Assuming that you use local hardware to store back up data, what happens if there is a flood, for example? Cloud storage protects you from such situations.

2. Quality control

Quality control is often a problem of the entire app development process, but is more evident during testing. The goal of testing is to try and find out what’s working and what’s not. You also want to know what works better.

To come to any conclusions, you need excellent record keeping. You must be able to track changes and have all useful data in one place to help you pinpoint areas of interest.

Cloud systems are the best at quality control. In cloud-based testing, all data is kept in a central location, in a single format so that human errors are completely avoided.

3. Collaboration

Finally, one of the reasons mobile application testing is extremely expensive is that it takes a lot of time. You could have one test lasting days.

A proven way to increase speed of production is collaboration. When you make it possible for teams to work on a project at a go, with everyone able to perform their duties without hindering other workers’ progress, work is done a lot faster.

Cloud computing is the platform that brings collaboration to life in the modern workplace. Team members can view and share information with ease, even remotely!

For these three reasons alone, if you’re a mobile app developer, you should seriously consider taking your testing projects to a cloud platform.

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I'm the leader of Techno FAQ. Also an engineering college student with immense interest in science and technology. Other interests include literature, coin collecting, gardening and photography. Always wish to live life like there's no tomorrow.

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